Showing posts with label decore. Show all posts
Showing posts with label decore. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Bunny's Purpose

When the last daughter flew the coop for College, I jokenly would tell people that NOW, I have no purpose. I really didn't believe it, it was all in fun kinda, I knew I had purpose and I knew there were many facets to being artys fartsy in a crafty way. I knew this as a child as I would rearrange and redecorate my room (constantly) from recycled and re purpose items...I just knew.

So last week I did pretty darn good at this cute little boutique and as Eric, my helper husband and I were setting up, people were coming outta the woodwork to hem and haw at my stuff. I, being the master of "doubting my ability" was too busy to stand there and take in the praise...I was just too focused on what I was doing, besides, people always say stuff like that don't they?

So, like I was saying, I did alright, learned a little more, took mental notes and decided I was gonna go with Etsy with what I had left...

Ya know... stuff happens when you make plans...The vender next to me loved my stuff so much that she invited me to an event at her house ,in Laguna Beach, to sell what I had left. No pressure, no commission on her part, no strings...she just wants people to see my items. No other venders will be there, just me and then she tells me,"some of my friends own stores in that area
and they too will be there, so, think about it and let me know".

So opportunity sometimes kicks your ass into the doorway and doesn't even knock...I talked with her yesterday and said, "sure, I'll be there" cool as a cucumber but really a hysterical mess inside, which btw, I do really well.

And then, the owner of the boutique I sold at, asked me to come back in the spring. So, needless to say, I am busy...very busy and grateful....very grateful and ordering business cards for........

Yup, you got it.....

Bunny's Purpose

re~cycled, re~furnished and re~purposed

unique gifts for home decor

Sunday, March 6, 2011

It's Rednesday in the Kitchen

~Just a few photos of my red accents in my kitchen...I'm just a little obsessed~

I love the way these canisters create a red glow in the morning when I open my blinds

Everybody has a red hen...don't they?

The top of my kitchen hutch.
I also collect Black Americana.

Having red appliances makes me happy...

..but so do my polka dot fireking ware that I've been collecting for years

and for all you red fanatics out there....BEHOLD...

A Red ceiling...yup, when I asked the hubster to paint it questions asked, because he knows better than to second guess my red obsession and besides...he likes it.

Hope you all are having a wonderful Rednesday....I am

I'm Just Sayin'

Saturday, January 29, 2011

A Sneak Peak

My Bestest Buddy and me are hocking our wares this coming fall at a very stylish Flea Market down in Escondido..... I'm really getting into this mixed media and altered art stuff. Here's what I've been working on.
a little of this...

and some of that...

and more of this...

and yes, I've been a busy bunny and I have no doubt that I will be showing more as the year progresses...artistic stuff that is~

Friday, January 14, 2011

It's like it Never Happened

The Holidays are just a footnote and my oven hasn't been on since Dec 31th, the decorations are put away and there isn't one cookie to be seen...anywhere. It's like it never happened!

The front porch is now ready for spring, adorned with colorful wooden flowers that Eric made me years ago

I bought some post~it notes, yes, paper post~it notes that look just like these flowers. Sewed a button in the middle of them and ...

put them on a wreath and hung it up....Suh~Weet!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Rednesday Chair

I'd seen this chair at Cost Plus many times before and I just couldn't get myself to buy it.
It was roughly $180 and it was the like a good bunny, I waited and waited and waited until....I stepped in there today and there it stood, my chair $60 off original price.

And like a prepared bunny I whipped out my $10 off coupon outta my purse and bought it...just like that

and then I sat in it...just like that, pink fuzzy slippers and all!!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Circus is Coming....

When the Circus is in's Christmas!

Carousels and confetti

High wire slippers and antique ribbons

Sparkly Christmas Trees and Dancing ladies

surrounded by packages of neon treats

Some levity and good humor

a Lion and a Lion Tamer and of course....

lots of Joy, makes for the perfect Circus and Christmas Day ~

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Christmas Rednesday

My Centerpiece atop my dining room table. Three inverted goblets, a crystal plate, a red feathered Christmas Tree and a very glamorous Reindeer.

Christmas Soldiers guarding judging ribbons

Victorian Christmas Vignette

and Santa wishing you Joy and Peace....and lots of buttons!

Happy Happy Rednesday!!!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Welcome Silver and Blue

I decorated my porch with silver and blue. It has a kinda cool wintry feel to it.

Wishing you all, Peace

And Joy through out this holiday season

with gifts galore

Along with tranquility

and hopefully a little of whimsy

love, bunny

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

christmas Rednesday

Cardinals perched upon a lamp

surrounded by a cranberry Christmas tree and some vintage ornaments... makes a very festive side table

Santa on an antique child's chair greeting visitors

and the warmth of the fireplace adds an extra glow to the day

Wishing you a wonderful Rednesday~

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Santa in the OC

Santa came last night and we had a heck of a fun time. Actually it was Josh's parents that dress up as the Mr. and Mrs. Well, they are the Mr. and Mrs but you know what I mean...the "man" and his wife.

Some of us waited patiently for him to arrive

While others played with Harley the dog

Some took turns sittin' on Santa's lap

and some of them didn't want anything to do with it

Some strolled down the street and took in the festive decor

while others snuggled

someone asked Santa for a horsie.....again

While that someone's mother just sat back with her hot chocolate and tried to keep warm

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Turquoise Christmas

I'm beginning to love turquoise.

It's all through my den

and rapidly becoming an obsession with me

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Autumnal Equinox

It's finally here!! My favorite season is upon us and I can feel the crispness in the air and smell the pumpkin pie baking in the oven.....NOT!!! Although this summer has been pretty pleasant considering we live in sunny southern California, it's still not cool enough to start baking and unpacking my sweaters...but I have managed to decorate a wee bit and let the Autumn colors surround me and enticing me to get ready for my Season of choice and my food of choice too!

the corn stalks that I saved from our corn harvest this past Summer

and of course the corn husks too!

It's not Fall without acorns and nuts

and even some dazzling fruit

Yep!! Autumn is always welcome fact, you can stay as long as you'd like...I'm just sayin'