Showing posts with label vespa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vespa. Show all posts

Friday, August 31, 2012

Milestones, Vespas and Peonies

Everytime I see this cheeky face now, all I can think of is the Grand Canyon. I think Roboboy must have some massive chompers coming through. Just really hoping he can fit his father's superior teeth into his mother's not so superior lower jaw. This is the fourth tooth he has lost but somehow front teeth seem like such a milestone. His first tooth fell out at 6 years and one week, following a long term trend of rolling at 4 months and one week, crawling at 6 months and one week and walking at 13 months and one week. Now I just want the other one to fall out so we can start singing "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth....."

In other news I have been extremely slack in not acknowledging two recent awards that I was kindly nominated for. Both Jane from Teawagon Tales and Ada Bea from Vintage Sheet Addict shouted me a recent bloggy hello from the other side of the world and while it has taken me weeks to acknowledge, Sarah from Squiggling About also popped up and passed me over a Liebster award. Thanks so much girls, it is lovely to know that Betsy's adventures are being appreciated in faraway places. 

I think with one of these awards I am supposed to tell you a few obscure things about me:

 I LOVE everything about Italy. Legoman and I spent  a month there as our last hurrah before children.

I love the buildings the colour of gelato. This would be chocolate, vanilla and strawberry.

The fields of poppies.

The crumbling stone villas in Tuscany.

and cypress sunsests.

I long to return, but the memories of this trip, eight long years ago still fill me with joy.

 My favourite flowers are poppies and peonies. Both of which have a season of about a week where you can obtain them in our subtropical climate. Thank goodness for peony season being right around the time of my wedding anniversary.

Inspired by our first taste hiring vespa scooters on that trip, we came home and bought one of our own. For six years we have shared our little Vespa to ride to work. Despite having a six month old baby, I managed to obtain my motorbike license so I could return to part time work without us having to get a second car. And now it completely justifies my purchase of coats and scarves as even in Brisbane it gets cold on an early winters morning.

And now to share the bloggy love around a little. These are a few of my favourite new discoveries.

West End Cottage - Caroline's renovation of her Brisbane Queenslander cottage (unless she gets distracted and buys a different one)

Artistica Domestica - Annie's love of art,crochet and her kids while tackling breast cancer

High Maintenance Hippy- Allana and her million creative projects around her home

Zaranne Handmade- Zara 's wonderful vintage finds and crafty creations

Have a wonderful weekend. Spring arrives tomorrow, yippee!