Showing posts with label rainbow toes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rainbow toes. Show all posts

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Basket of Goodies

I trotted off to my first Suitcase Rummage for the year. The sun was shining and goodies were awaiting. I have been searching for some vintage wallpaper for a project that I am working on and sure enough Laura  had a little suitcase full of the stuff.  Throw in a few vintage sheets, a colourful scarf that I have a crazy idea for and a rainbow basket ( that miss Liongirl is sure to want to nab) and I came home bursting with a sunny mood to match the goodies.

Nothing lovelier than seeing all the goodies laid out in the square.

Ever thought you needed your own bespoke hand crafted body part in a jar?  An eyeball hair tie? A kidney brooch? A brain in a bottle? Perhaps the perfect gift for the person who has everything. Simmone from Your organ grinder will have that covered for you (she has an etsy store too-

Thought I had better show you some other colourful treasures I found recently at the oppie. Seems that little bundles of three were finding me this week. Apple glasses, 50 cents each.

Staffordshire floral teacups, 50 cents each too. Miss Liongirl has her cup of tea (milk and hot water) in one of these every morning.

While we are soaking up all this rainbow goodness, thought you might want to see a little rainbow project that miss Liongirl and I cooked up over the weekend.

 Here are our rainbow hooves as part of a collection of rainbow toes gathered to cheer on a dear fellow blogger and colour lover. Annie has 5 children, chooks, a great love of colour and art and is using every scrap of rainbow she can muster to tackle her recently diagnosed breast cancer. Pop over and say hi, or maybe be a little brave and add your toes to the collection over here.  Be quick though as it's all being done covertly and swiftly before Annie gets her internet access back.

School holidays are now ON over here at Betsy's and we have a few adventures planned. Back soon to talk   yarnbombing, birdmaking and easter festivities. Lastly, can you believe the utter gloriousness of that pink floral sheet? Bet you miss Liongirl wets the bed tonight so she can have it tomorrow!

Linking in with Sophie of course for some Sunday vintage love.