It has been raining pretty solidly here now for close to three weeks. The ground is boggy, the dryer is running almost continuously and the windows are misty with condensation. It was the perfect weekend to take the kitchenaid for a spin and pop out some melting moments, that lasted all of about five minutes. Luckily, despite a hint of cool autumn in the evenings, the days have been warm enough to get out and enjoy the rain.
When the rain eased back to a drizzle we headed out to hunt down some puddles and some mud.
There were dams to build, and mud to splash in .
Miss Liongirl was keen to fill her flower basket.
We snipped a bouquet from the huge native trees on the footpath blooming with flowers and full of feasting rainbow lorikeets.
And then we trotted home to enjoy some wonderful treats that came my way this week. Having crafty mates is fantastic when you have a birthday. My mum made me this lovely bag,
And one of my sewing group gals made this gorgeous one for me too.
And then just when yet another day of rain was enough to leave a girl slightly unhinged, an unexpected parcel arrived at Betsy's front door. From a blog buddy in another state no less.
Allison from Just Underneath sent me a little pile of blue goodies to chase away the rainy day blues. A gorgeous tin for my fledgling collection, a lovely little vase and a cracker of a tea towel that is a pretty good match to Betsy. Al, you sure now how to perk a girl up.
And miss Liongirl so enjoyed filling up that little vase with her basket of teeny tiny plucked flowers.
We love it Al.
We hope now that we have more that half our usual annual rainfall done and dusted 9 weeks into the year, that the rain might move on, to other places that need it more. In the meantime, if you too are a tad soggy, I can highly recommend a batch of these.
Rainy day melting moments.
3/4 cup butter creamed with 1/2 cup icing sugar.
Add 1/2 cup self raising flour, 1/2 cup plain flour and 1/2 cup cornflour. Mix until forms a dough.
Roll into small balls, flatten with a fork and bake for 12-15 mins in 160 degree oven.
Cool and make icing.
I cup of icing sugar, 2 tsp butter and 1 tbsp hot water. Mix until forms a thick paste and use to glue to biscuits together.
Makes nowhere near enough ( about 10 iced biscuits). Scoff with hot tea on a rainy day. Next time, triple the quantities.