So, it's that time of year again and this time we decided to rope some mates in from school to go trick or treating with us. The word was out that we had some seriously scary spots to visit in the streets surrounding Betsy and everyone was desperate to get down to that house with the real dungeon. Roboboy true to his usual form was not up for a costume but conceded to wear his only black shirt, ghost light and my hat.
Liongirl was happy as a pig in mud in her new "Nurse Nancy" outfit. Complete with handy candy pills which she likes to dispense for even the most trivial of ailments. All inspired by her favourite of all time Little Golden books.
Despite being a good year younger than everyone else, the girl has superior staying power when treats are involved.
Although the witch who owned this cauldron did seriously freak her out.
Roboboy and his best mate were happy to stir the pot.
In other news, Legoman got a scooter for his birthday recently. It's the big boy version of the kids micro scooters and it's called the Monster. See the seriously big wheels. I am hoping to pinch it and have a go myself next time we need to nip out and get bread.