Showing posts with label felt crowns. Show all posts
Showing posts with label felt crowns. Show all posts

Thursday, 18 May 2023

Coronation Crowns + Jewelled Crowns, Felt Crown Tutorials

As promised, here are some more fun felt crown tutorials!

fun felt crown tutorials


These easy sewing patterns available on my Patreon will guide you through making four different styles of felt crown - as mementos of the Coronation of King Charles III, or just for dressing up as a King, Queen, Prince, or Princess whenever you fancy!

Coronation crowns felt sewing tutorial

jewelled felt crowns sewing tutorial

These tutorials are based on the basic felt crowns tutorial I shared earlier, with four different variations to try...

 .... a simple patriotic crown in red, white, and blue (great for Royal events here in the UK, or the 4th of July in the USA!)

red white and blue felt crown tutorial


.... an embroidered commemorative crown celebrating the Coronation of King Charles III.

Coronation of King Charles III felt crown tutorial


... a sparkly crown decorated with beads and sequins.

sparkly jewelled felt crown tutorial


.... and a crown decorated with embroidered felt "gems", with step by step instructions and diagrams for the embroidery.

felt crown tutorial with embroidered gems


I'm particularly delighted by the embroidered gems and want to sew them on everything now.

I think one on its own would totally work as a fabulous felt brooch!

felt embroidered gemstones jewels tutorial


The CRIII monogram / cypher would also look great embroidered onto a felt bauble as a quick-to-sew memento of the Coronation year!

King Charles III monogram embroidery pattern

Easy Felt Crowns Sewing Tutorial

Today I'm sharing a whole flurry of Coronation-themed craft projects over on my Patreon: starting with a step by step tutorial for sewing two styles of simple felt crowns...

Easy Felt Crown Sewing Tutorial

Felt Princess Crown Sewing Tutorial

Most of the projects I'll be sharing today are things that would make nice or fun mementos of the Coronation (if you're a fan of the Royals or just enjoyed watching the big spectacle!)... but felt crowns are obviously for LIFE not just for Coronation celebrations!

These felt crowns are designs I used to sell in my Etsy shop many years ago. I shared the tutorial here on my blog at one point, but it's now exclusively available as a printable PDF pattern for my Patreon subscribers. 

Felt Crown Sewing Tutorials

The crowns are super easy to make, and are great for costume parties, Halloween, and all kinds of other fancy dress occasions. 

You can also easily customise them with different colours and decorative details - and I'll be sharing four ideas for that (on a Coronation-them, of course!) shortly. 

P.S. Yes I know the Coronation was a couple of weeks ago - I wish I'd had the time and energy to get all these projects sorted earlier, but I hope you'll enjoy them all anyway xxx

Click here to find the Felt Crowns tutorial over on my Patreon!

Click here to read more about my Patreon, get a preview of the many projects included in the pattern library, and to subscribe!

Monday, 1 May 2023

Felt Crown Ornament Tutorial for the Coronation of King Charles III (& Coronation Embroidery Patterns!)

Sew a sparkly felt crown ornament to commemorate the Coronation of King Charles III!

I've had so much fun sewing these little crowns, and I hope you guys will too. They'd be fun to sew over the Coronation weekend, or for your tree this Christmas as a memento of 2023.

The design is based on St Edward's Crown - part of the British Crown Jewels, and the crown which will be used at the exact moment of the King's coronation during the ceremony at Westminster Abbey. 

The printable PDF tutorial includes the templates and step-by-step instructions with lots of photos and helpful hints and tips.

It's now available as an instant download in my Etsy shop, and I've also added it to my Patreon pattern library.

If you don't want to sew your own crown but would love one as a keepsake you're in luck, as I'm selling the handmade ornaments too!

As well as the felt crowns tutorial I've shared some Coronation-themed embroidery patterns over on Patreon, which would also make great colouring pages (perfect for making some DIY decorations!). 

There's a Coronation Crown Embroidery Pattern - the full design with the lettering "The Coronation of King Charles III, 6th May 2023", designed to fit in a 7 inch embroidery hoop, and the crown on its own if you'd like to just stitch that or add your own custom lettering. 

I've also included a couple of pages with repeats of the crown design so you can easily print out lots of crowns for some group colouring-in sessions or to make a paper crown garland.

There's also a Cute Coronation Embroidery Pattern with a sweet little lion and unicorn. I've included the little union flag heart as a separate pattern, and repeated lots of times on the final page so you can easily print and make some DIY bunting. The heart would look fab stitched on felt to make a little ornament - just add the date of the Coronation on the back to turn it into a memento of the day.

Click here to read more about my Patreon, get a preview of the many projects included in the pattern library, and to subscribe!

Friday, 14 June 2019

Crafting With Felt Flowers: Floral Crown Tutorial

Sew a pretty felt flower crown or headband!

Felt Flower Crown Sewing Tutorial

Throughout this week I'm sharing ideas for crafting with felt flowers, and ways to re-use the flower templates from my April Felt Flowers Wreath tutorial. Today I'll show you how to make a floral crown that's perfect for parties, festivals or even weddings.

Felt Flower Wreath Tutorial

This tutorial was originally designed for The Village Haberdashery's blog and was created using felt and other craft supplies from their shop.

Felt Flower Crown Sewing Tutorial

You will need:

- The flower templates from my April wreath tutorial
- Wool felt in assorted colours
- Embroidery thread to match the felt
- 1 metre ribbon
- Sewing needles and pins
- Sewing scissors or embroidery scissors (these are great for cutting out detailed felt shapes!)

To make the floral crown:

Use the flower templates to cut out the flower pieces from felt (see step 1 of the wreath tutorial - I’ve used different colours to make the crown, but you’ll need the same quantities as listed to create seven flowers). Arrange the pieces, as shown.

Felt Flower Crown Sewing Tutorial: cut out the felt pieces

Stitch the flowers with half strands of contrasting embroidery thread (so for six-stranded embroidery thread just use three strands), sewing radiating stitches from the centre of each flower. I stitched nine stitches for each of the larger flowers, and six for the smaller flowers. If you like you can also add some extra stitched details to decorate the flowers, as I did. For extra decoration you could add buttons, beads or sequins to the flower centres.

Felt Flower Crown Sewing Tutorial: decorate the flowers

Cut a metre long piece of ribbon, cutting the ends at an angle to help prevent fraying. Pin the flowers onto the ribbon starting with the largest flowers in the centre then working outwards.

Sew the ribbon to the back of the flowers, using running or whip stitch in matching sewing thread. Remove the pins as you sew and take care to sew into the felt but not through it, so your stitching won’t show at the front of the crown.

Felt Flower Crown Sewing Tutorial: add the flowers to some ribbon
Felt Flower Crown Sewing Tutorial: add the flowers to a piece of ribbon
Felt Flower Crown Sewing Tutorial: pin then sew the flowers to a length of ribbon
Felt Flower Crown Sewing Tutorial

This tutorial is for non commercial use only: you can use it to make as many flower crowns as you want for yourself or as gifts, but please don't make any for sale. You may borrow a couple of photos if you want to blog about this project, but remember to credit me and link back to this page on my blog, and do not reproduce my entire tutorial / share my templates on your site. Thanks!

Enjoyed this free tutorial? Buy me a "coffee" and help support my blog!

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P.S. Subscribe to my newsletter for a monthly free pattern and visit my crafty tutorial archive for lots more free projects.

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Sunday, 25 August 2013

How To: Felt Crowns

UPDATE: this project is now available as part of my Patreon pattern library.

Click here to find the Felt Crowns Tutorial and to sign up to my Patreon. 

Subscribers get full access to a growing library of PDF patterns and tutorials, and emails whenever new projects are added. You can unsubscribe at any time. 


Fancy making some felt crowns? These are great for fancy dress parties and Halloween, birthday parties, dressing up sessions and for any other occasion when you fancy wearing a crown and pretending to be a king or queen, a princess or a prince.


There are two designs - a basic crown and a slightly more detailed "princess" crown. You can follow the colour schemes shown, or choose any colours you want when making your crown. You could also personalise the crown, for example by adding an embroidered initial in the central circle, or adding extra detail to it with decorative embroidery, sequins or pretty buttons.


The instructions in this tutorial are for making a crown that will fit an adult or older teen. If you're making a crown for a younger child, use shorter lengths of elastic (and print the template sheet at a slightly smaller size if needed). If you're making it for a young child, make sure to sew all the pieces on very securely, avoid using choking hazards like buttons, and always supervise them when they wear the crown.