A few things have been done lately.... I went over to a friends house and we made up some design boards. We used corflute and cotton wadding, glue spray and velcro strips on the wall..... one of the corflute was black which is why you can see a slight shadow but it works well and is perfect for her needs.
Hand sewing lately has been finishing off these sweet embroideries (inherited from Marina). I think I matched up the colours closely enough that it doesn't notice.
In the evenings I have been working on the next KOGO blanket using a mixture of variegated yarns I was given.
It is a bit wavy in places and showing a waist line in other places largely due to the different 8 ply thicknesses, but I think it will go okay with a wash and stretch. I will still do more to make it rectangular..... it's about a metre squared at the moment....
I have neglected my blackwork for a few weeks so did a catch up yesterday (after an outing was cancelled due to the weather forecast that didn't evenuate)
I new one is out so already I am behind again but this is being put away for a few weeks now
This is where I am up to now - I still have a fair bit of the leafy vines to do
I marked out half inch lines and quilted the little embroideries - hoping to add the binding today then make up a little box with this piece.....
Hubz and I enjoy watching these Bald Eagles in California.... last year the eggs didn't hatch but this year there are 2 babies and another cracked egg last night.... be lovely if there is 3 successes.
This is at the end of a feeding time this morning.... we could see some movement at the top of the egg. The website shows in the pictures where the live cam is if anybody is interested....
Righto, Gotto Go..... I feel like an extra cup of coffee this morning.....