Showing posts with label united stitches. Show all posts
Showing posts with label united stitches. Show all posts

Thursday, October 29, 2020


Thanks Cheryll for keeping us on track with our WOOFA projects

For these I am slowly working through projects that were UFO's at the beginning of the year... some of them ongoing for some time, others fairly recent

Field Journal was started last year.... and because of Covid disruptions Kate and Pam from Cottage Garden Threads were not able to do them this year... but we will be getting more next year.... I am trying to get last years up to date!!!

These two were done this month..... I really need to make more effort and do more if I am to be up to date by year end....

The other UFO I worked on (was also #6 for the Brisbane Sunday Stitchers UFO challenge)

The stitcheries for United Stitches by Rosalie Dekker were all completed a while ago.... but I needed to make the 4 patch blocks and put it all together.....

Happy to have this cheerful quilt hanging up in my sewing room now....

I started something new.... even though I have too many projects its a bit like a reward for finishing something isn't it????

These are very easy simple stitcheries, designed by Ella & Skysie.  I have done this pattern before and they make a sweet baby quilt

they still need little patches on them.. but I haven't decided on the fabric choice yet

I think I am just starting new things so I have lots ready for UFO challenges next year?????? 

Righto, Gotto Go... very busy quilting presently and been enjoying some gentle hand stitching in the evenings....

Have a lovely rest of the week.....

Friday, October 23, 2020

a finish

Very pleased to say we have had a bit of rain... hoping there will be more this week...

This is my corner where I do most of my sewing... little bluebird stitcheries and some quite heavy quilting

This week I finished off my United Stitches quilt....
The stitcheries have been done for some time now and I had some fun piecing the little 4 patch squares together..

United Stitches was preprinted on linen and designed by Rosalie Dekker ....

I quilted in the ditch around the stitcheries and curves in the 4 patches, small scrolls in the thin border and rope in the larger border

This has now take it's place in my sewing corner.  It seems to cheer up that area a bit more with the colour

Embroidery this week has two new blocks for Field Journal

fun getting back to these.... I have neglected them for a while...

The quilt was a UFO which is now finished.... my Sunday Stitchers #6

Righto, Gotto Go..... a Friday to enjoy

I hope you have a lovely weekend

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Stock take....

I enjoyed reading Marina's blog where she did a 'stocktake' of her Works in Progress.... and I thought it was a good idea.... so I have done a sort of one 

Field Journal BOM

This was a BOM started in 2019 and run by Cottage Garden Threads... it is ongoing for those of us who wish to continue but this year has not run due to delays in getting the fabrics... but it is planned to start again next year.....

However, I am still catching up on 2019 blocks and I really would like to have them up to date before the new lot start...

I still have 9 little blocks and 2 big projects (so that's another 8 blocks)... That means I have done 25 of the little blocks.. 

Wish You Well BOM

This is a BOM by Gail Pan for this year and we get an email with our pattern at the beginning of each month.....

I am up to date with the stitcheries - these are the ones for October that I finished this week...

I snuck in a machine sewing day with a friend this week and put August's block together....

and sewed it with it's friends so this is the first 8 months

as you can see there are circles all around the edge and I have made a start on making them for all around the bottom 4 blocks ...  I find if I have these ready when it comes to sewing up the blocks its quicker and easier.....

Love Quilt

My machine sewing day helped with this quilt too by making up 8 of these checkerboard blocks.... they are 6" blocks so lots of little squares (made in strips though)

... next I will start joining checkerboards to some of the finished applique blocks

these ones were finished over the last couple of weeks....

... and this is where I am so far with these blocks...

That is all the square applique blocks... there are 8 rectangle ones to be done still and 8 more checkerboard blocks

Naive Melody Quilt

This is a new 5 month BOM I started last month via Lucy Engels on instagram.... we do 20 blocks each month 

as you can see there I still have 5 blocks to finish for this month

United Stitches

All the blocks are together and the quilt is quilted

... and waiting by my chair for sewing down the binding .....

The other project I worded on for my sewing machine day is these blocks which were prepared and so I started with the blanket stitching around the edges.....  they need a bit more stitching, tidying of stray ends and hand sewn eyes... and will eventually be make into little quilts

..... in general I am happy with my progress on these projects... which doesn't mean I am also a bit impatient as there are a few others I want to do!!!

Righto, Gotto Go.... the plan this evening is a few more Naive Melody blocks

Thursday, October 8, 2020

The week.....

I do hope your week is going well....

Over the weekend I put the borders on this little quilt/wallhanging

and it is now pinned and ready for quilting.... I will go in the ditch along the main lines and add some curved quilting in the four patches.... then some texture in the borders......  it has moved to the top of my quilting pile for now....

I have more of the dark red spot for the binding.

I started working on a Bondi top using Liberty inspired fabric and Magpie came to chat.....

Something has spooked him/her and now Magpie is not visiting.... though I can her her/him singing in a nearby tree.....  not visited for a few days now .... (sad face)

I am even making my own bias binding ....... these are handy little gadgets though I am not an expert and I don't get even sizing always.....

One top is finished and several more are cut out... then I'll be ready for summer....  

I sewed up the needleturn for all these blocks (part of my Love quilt).... and then realised I have not done the bit of stitchery that needs to be added... so they are back next to my chair marked, stabilised and ready to stitch....

Sewing day with the girls on Tuesday and I worked on this embroidery, (part of Wish You Well BOM)... its a very sweet design... like a formal garden....

My pile of projects seems to be growing... not shrinking....

Righto, Gotto Go... today I am doing quilt job job.... and there is a growing pile of that too. I love that I spend the day sewing and I can call it 'work'....

... but first... coffee.... 

Saturday, October 3, 2020

FNWF October

The magpie is very tame now... and likes a meat treat each day.... actually he sings away and then runs to the window or door if either hubz or I go by the room... it's quite funny..... when I am ironing he stands by the window as if to say "can you come and play with me"....

On Friday I wanted to get some of my own sewing done so I finished the quilt job I had on hand and then set myself onto play time...

I already had a bunch of 4 square blocks made....

... so I pulled out the previously embroidered United Stitchers blocks and placed them up....

... and sewed them together and auditioned some fabric for borders....

I had finished these needleturn flowers (for Love quilt) during the week and I cut and sewed strips to make the checkerboard border....

I have decided to add borders as I go.... so these three are now 6 1/2" blocks....

Progress also on Wish You Well BOM.... these were sewn on Tuesday but I pressed and trimmed them... there is still a bunch to stitch on their blocks

These are Augusts embroideries..... (I have a bit of catching up to do).  September is being worked on presently and October got traced...

Last night while we watched TV I worked on more needleturn for Naive Melody....  these really don't take too long at all once they are all prepped out....

As you can see it was a very happy play day ending in FNWF.... thanks Cheryll for hosting us... the pork chop was a bit dry but the wine was good...

Have a lovely weekend, it's a holiday weekend here and I plan a bit more me time sewing....

Righto, Gotto Go.. those borders aren't going to sew themselves onto the quilt!

Monday, September 28, 2020

Almost Month end.....

 Spring is well and truly here with so much growing and looking lovely in our garden and the lovely parks around town....

We went for a walk around one park on Sunday... sadly social distancing seems to be a distant memory... there were hundreds of people all mashed together!!  so we just walked around the edges a bit and I got some lovely pictures of flowers...

Once again our town did the parks beautifully.  This year the garden competition I think was online and there was a new initiative of shop fronts decorating in the CBD (initiated and organised by my daughter).  No parade or food and wine festival but I think we still got many many visitors to the city and the cafe's etc would have done well.  

Hubz went outside and left the door open.... and this magpie just strolled in.... (it is the rather tame one that comes to the back door for a treat most days)

he seemed to know where food is kept in my house....

had a good look around.....

....  " and where is the tea?"......

we persuaded him to leave the room.... his play area is outside!

One of our fuschia's is beginning to flower prettily....

.. and the hoya buds are beginning.... it is fun watching them grow...

The last of the banner stitcheries was completed this week....  I have packed them away as I need to think about whether to add some more or just back and join them up....

... end of month and Cheryll hosts WOOFA to help encourage working on UFO projects...

I was supposed to work on my Mouse quilt ... but it hasn't even got out the drawer!!!

But I did get 4 more stitcheries for Field Journal done....

... and complete all the blocks for the red and cream pineapple quilt....  (a project from the scrap basket)

It has been a busy month really with trips away, the Stitchers Day as well as quilting jobs so I'm pleased with what was done....

I spent most of Saturday prepping more stitcheries and cutting strips.... and joining strips and making 4 patches...

Righto, Gotto Go... I want to press all the rest of the 4 patches down... and I have a bunch of 1 1/2" strips to sew together....

Have a lovely week.....xx

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