Showing posts with label 1 Christmas Item a Month. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 1 Christmas Item a Month. Show all posts

Thursday, April 30, 2020

April Monthlies.....

This months Sunday Stitchers UFO group was for #2 which was my circles quilt.... I had all my circles in a box...

I joined up 196 circle blocks (4 1/2")

then bordered it in navy ... and there is navy binding...  I also managed to get metreage of one of the fabrics I had used in the circles on sale so that will be used for the backing...

a few leftover circle blocks got made into coasters.....

One Christmas Item per month ....

I made up this little mat... a pattern I was given ages ago with a pre-printed stitchery....

.. and I ended up completing all my little snowman hearts....  so I'm ahead of schedule till December!!!

I expect I will find other Christmas things to make though!

Meanwhile we had Easter and I made this little table runner using some pre-sewn strip scraps that I had..... I am into using up my stash of scraps at the moment

This little Angel picture was a freebie from The Quilters Angel so I made it up for my sewing room

My WOOFA project this month was to finish the hand stitching and make up this little wallhanging for my sewing room

... and continue with making my pineapple blocks.... which are all done and the top is together.  My teal, pink and purple scrap baskets are empty!!! I will have to rectify that!

This quilt top was made from a selection of 12" squares I had ... plus some pretty Tilda metreage

... and I was able to put together this little baby quilt using the left over squares from when I cut the pinwheels out

Works in Progress

Field Journal

such lovely botanical pictures to stitch...

I didn't get as many of these done as I had planned... but that's because a new project led me astray!

I am linking up with WOOFA (thanks Cheryll), OPAM (thanks Kris), One Christmas Item (thanks Narelle) and the Sunday Stitchers (thanks ladies) ....  I do love sewing with others....  

Shutdown has been good for me... I have got on with lots of things, and doing a lot more cyber catch ups....

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Sewing away.....

We are all being affected by this virus one way or another - not good and very stressful and worrying.  Lots of loving thoughts.

I am still amazed at how many people are not taking things seriously.  My DIL family are all sick with the virus and isolated at their home (in UK) .  My daughter and her partner have been put of work.  Other daughter is in self isolation due to a spiked temperature and work cut back to 40%.  Hubz working from home.  Lots of changes and this is still early days.

Hold in there everyone... we will get through this but please take care … stay at home and get some of those projects done.

I have stitched some more snowmen for my Bunny Hill snowhearts ….

They don't take long to stitch once the prep work is done...

I am putting in some sparkly fabric in them all.... and the background fabric has a bit of bling too....

This is where I am up to so far.... when all 12 are stitched I will sew up and stuff the hearts

Another block of Field Journal has been done... I learnt a new stitch for the leaves... fishbone stitch... The flower petals were done with two lazy daisy stitches

The little stitchery I showed last post has been made up into a needleholder….

some pockets and a felt flap inside....  I hope it will be useful to the recipient...

Black and White with Green quilt is done.... I bet you are wondering how I came up with that name????

There was enough of the green to make the binding so that is done and now it is waiting in the Quilting Queue... though I will need to hunt down a backing...

I stitched down the binding of these 3 little quilts this week... they are less than a metre so don't take too long to do... nor are they too warm on my lap...

the little bear ones are panels... and I have more of them so there will be more little quilts like that..

Righto, Gotto Go..... time for some cooking.... pork wrapped in proscuito with pumpkin mash.... we are eating low carb and having fun with different recipes...

Keep safe, keep stitching and keep smiling....

Monday, January 27, 2020

January monthlies......

This month I have done this hand work for 1 Christmas Item A Month....

These are going to be little heart ornaments but I have decided to do the handsewing first then make the hearts later

Once they are prepared they don't take too much time to stitch up, so though I am not actually finishing an item each month I am making progress ...

Thanks to Narelle for hosting 1 Christmas Item A Month...


This month's WOOFA items were....

Garden Sunshine quilt....

I managed to get all the blocks together and sew the border on to make a flimsy.....

United Stitches.

These are the little hand-work blocks I am doing and this month I got 7 done.....

The other project I am working on is my tumblers … as leaders and enders so a bit of progress each month as I get any sewing done...

I have a nice pile of pairs … will still keep going and use up the light rose fabric which is going in between

Thanks to Cheryll for hosting WOOFA.....


As far as finished projects... there are lots of little things as a result of trying to do a bit of a clean up....

Loads of kitchen cloths.....

… a bunch of baby wash cloths....

… one more penguin jumper.....

3 little blue quilts.....

… a bunch of block boards.....

… and a little pink baby quilt....

Thanks to Kris for hosting OPAM.....

Righto, Gotto Go.... I'm going to sort out what's to be done for February.....

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