Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Simply Watercolor Class - Day Three

I'm back and today's class topic was Lettering and Typography!

It was fun and I learned a few things and will improve on my cards when I go back and redo the examples.  

So here are todays cards...

This first card was about coloring inside the letter and letting the colors flow into each other.

The second card was about coloring outside the letter and as you can see I should have made a point to be closer to the letter outline so my lines maybe would have been straighter.

I am off to watch the rest of the videos for day three and may return with a few more samples from class.

Thanks for stopping by my blog today it really means a lot to me. 
 ~ hugs Sherry ~

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Simply Watercolor Class - Day Two

Today is day two of my Simply Watercolor Class and in this class we are using watercolors and drawing mediums only. NO STAMPS! 

I can't draw to save my life and today was all about drawing animals. (insert sad face here)

I tried the first technique and immediately threw it out along with the 2nd technique. Finally I decided to be brave and just do the third technique.

Meet Mr. Bear...

I am going to just say I love how he turned out. I will definitely do another one like this so I can work on my animal drawing skills and also my banner skills.

Thanks for stopping by my blog today it really means a lot to me.
 ~ hugs Sherry ~

Simply Watercolor Class - Day One Continued

Wanted to share with you the last card that I made for yesterdays class.

I definitely need to practice my plaid patterns but for a first try I am pretty happy with it. I redid the sentiment 3 times and wasn't excited about how that looked but went with it
anyways as that is how I write.

Definitely need a hand lettering class next.

I am off to craft club at our church this morning so will do today's lesson when I get home.

Enjoy your day and thanks for stopping by.


Monday, July 16, 2018

Simply Watercolor Class - Day One

I have been in a creative mode lately so decided to try and get back to some card making and today I am taking a class called Simply Watercolor.

First lesson and I have already failed. We were to create a background using colors of the you can see not so much a rainbow but more on the messy dark side. But its a learning experience and I will just go with it.

I definitely need to work on my brush skills to get even strokes.

Okay, I decided to try one more time using a different watercolor set. Here is the 2nd card. I'm still a beginner and will work on my watercolor skills.

Thanks for stopping by to look I appreciate any and all watercolor tips and comments.


Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Happy New Year

Just wanted to pop on my blog and wish you all a Happy New Year.

Is it cold where you are? We have been having really cold weather here in Minnesota. I'm talking -15 F without the windchill, add in the winchill and we are talking -25 to -30.

I have been busy scrapbooking. I finished my December Daily on Christmas Day and then finished up my 2017 Project Life album on New Years Day.  It feels good to have those projects done and moving onto the new year. I am hoping to make cards this year and maybe participate in a few card challenges. I have missed doing those. If you have a favorite card challenge you always do leave me a comment with a link so I can check it out.

Here are a few of the layouts I created this past month. I apologize for the photos these were shot from my phone.

Thanks for taking the time to stop by my blog, I really appreciate it.

 ~ hugs Sherry ~