Showing posts with label Cath Kidston. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cath Kidston. Show all posts

Thursday, January 06, 2011

Crafty Goodness and Some Sweet Loveliness

Before I begin with all the loveliness can I show you my cottage pie? It was just such a perfect looking pie we didn't want to eat it! But I quickly came back to reality when DN3 said "you're taking a picture of that?"

I know, moving right along...

Craftiness. Not a word used around here lately, but I did manage two of these little cuties. One for me and one for Mother. It is a crocheted granny square done in pure, lovely wool. Then I felted it! My hot pots are very comfy now.

Then I lined the back of it with this lurvely fabric. If you plan on making one please email me and I will give you a few hints.

This charming bit of goodness I ordered for myself. Love it except for the fact I cannot get the melted candle out.

Gorgeous rose scented candle and holder from Ikea. I received two of these for Christmas from DN1's BF and adore them. Simple beauty. Did you see the pretty books? From DN1. My sweet daughter believes that mother should get everything she writes on her list. And I did!

Where did I get this darling little gem? Well my best friend, Clara, felt I needed more cornishware. And voila.

See how it fits in ever so cosy like? Too much happiness over here!

Isn't it just so easy to love Cornishware?

Clara also treated me to this delightful Limoges plate.
My heart is warm.
The painting has begun. Sort of. The pre-painting chores. But this weekend? It's all about the paint.
Thanks for dropping by

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Little Peeks

A peek at my new bed. But that is all you are getting until I paint it. Soon I hope. It is the iron bed "Savannah" from Pottery Barn.

Autumnal roses. And the only lobelia that did well in the whole garden. Nice.

Quick peek at the potting shed. Still waiting for a few odds and ends. I still have to paint the door the blue/grey colour, it is just primed.

And I think the tin on top is new (to me). I found it in the summer and I think I forgot to show you.
Still busy painting, doing some clear out and going away here and there to see my daughter. The weather is cooling nicely now thank goodness. Love Autumn.
Lisa xo

Note: Okay my writing skills are next to nil. I meant I would be painting the room not the bed apparently that autumnal air is not as invigorating as I originally thought ;)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Roses, Peonies and Thrifty Finds

Hello my friends. Today I have gone through my pictures on the computer that I saved for you. These were my lovely peonies. They are quite finished now as the wind has been atrocious and many downpours had left them sodden. Thank goodness I cut them in plenty of time.

And that sweet bookmark? My dear mother made it for me for Christmas and it is one of the most treasured gifts I have ever received from her.

Just a snap of a dahlia and the pretty Mother's Day card I received.

The forget-me-nots were quite abundant this year. I had them spread all over the house. Every available vessel had wee blue flowers peeking out.

Such a pretty little flower, so humble.

Alfred de Dalmas. Has not made an appearance in my garden for many, many years. Two years ago I moved it to a new location and lo and behold, gorgeous blooms.

My dear, sweet William Baffin. Never, ever disappoints me.

Oh, you beautiful boy!

While we are talking about flowers, look at this sweetie I picked up. Charming tin with the most vivid colours. Really makes me want to pop something in the oven to fill it with!

And have been very lucky with the pink and green. A yummy pink stripe pillowcase and a little rosebud one as well. A wonderful sheet, all rosy and some stunning Laura Ashley fabric with tiny flowers although I am not sure what pattern this is. Anyone? Adorable all the same though.

The latest addition to the family.

The girls suprised me with this for Mother's Day. Almost as cute as my real handsome man.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Where the living is easy...

All photos Cath Kidston and Greengate

Tuesday, May 04, 2010


The May picture from the BBC H&A calendar. Tranquility.

My summer blankets are coming out of hibernation. The big chunky eiderdowns and duvets are going to be put away after they are aired and their covers washed. I have quite a collection of the chenille/candlewick covers now I am thinking I may sell one or two. Greens and pinks are my favourite. The top one is a lovely pink but it looks white in the photo. I am also going to sell off some of my Cath Kidston/Ikea Rosali items this summer. Once I know how much I will need to send off with my daughter to university I will be doing a nice clear out. Waaaay too many linens in this house!

A touch of gardening but not nearly enough done.

Pansy love.

A wee tin I found in my travels and just liked it. I couldn't get the thing opened and it wasn't until I brought it home that I found a length of pink velvet ribbon inside!
Did finally get the Prom dress. Beautiful strapless aubergine coloured full length gown with a bit of a train. Superb.
Now for shoes...

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

So many updates, so little time...

In typical Knitty, Vintage and Rosy style, I am a little late with yet another post. This is the H&A Calendar I have been meaning to show you. Really gorgeous.
I especially love this room. Pink, Blue and florals, what is not to love?
This was January. Again, more love.

And February. Reminds me of Selina Lake styling. What do you think? So terribly pretty though.

Oh, that's Knitty, Vintage and Rosy styling. Ha! Just loved the look of this combination on the window sill and thought I would take a few snaps although, of course, the light is still rubbish today.

For some reason, I adore these four pieces together. The Greengate jug, the Cath Kidston jug, the little green cornishware sugar pot and the oval rose plate.

Sweetness in a jug.

Doing a load of dishes from last night as we had a little get together for DN3 12th Birthday. I know, I know I must me getting up there if my youngest is 12 right? I've been a little sad lately too as the billet (girl that was staying with us from my daughter's hockey team) that was living here moved out last week. She decided to move back home so she could graduate with her class. It hits too close to home knowing that DN2 is leaving my little Rosy nest in August to go away to University. Do you ever just block things out of your mind just to totally avoid the emotions? That is what I am doing right now.

So to perk you and I up, a few glamour shots of the puss.

As he is male, and spring is nearing, he isn't really around too much. I think he has a few, no correction, hordes of lady friends that want to have a liaison with him, if you know what I mean, wink wink.

He is a fighter as well. Comes home with a new injury every day. This week it is on his right front leg and one on his tummy. The ones on his nose have just finished healing.
So he appears to be a lover AND a fighter.
No wonder they are lined up at the back door for him.

Thanks for popping in my lovelies.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

What I Am Doing

I was trying to figure out which gingham I wanted for the cushions I wish to sew. The phone rang. DN1's professor lost her assignment. Can you please email it to me mum? Now, I need to hand it in. Stop.

Thought about adding another row to my ripple blanket (yes, I am still crocheting this, unbelievable, I know). And thank you so much
Fiona, for the lovely cushion! Phone rang. DN3 has forgotten gym clothes. Stop.

In between sad and pathetic distractions, I gaze at my new (to me) enamelware teapot. It matches the
coffeepot I got earlier this year, do you remember?

Arrange potted geraniums in window in slight haphazard manner. Phone rang. DN2 and billeted hockey friend are sick at school, need picking up. Stop.

Come home and make cup of tea. Decide to pack it in for the day.

While lying on sofa reading Caroline Graham (good one) and drinking tea, I look out window and think I should have just done this all day...
PS Thank you all so much for the fabric love. Now who will be the next one to snag a bit of this loveliness I wonder?