Showing posts with label makeartthatsells. Show all posts
Showing posts with label makeartthatsells. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Jiggly Wiggly Diner - MATS March Bootcamp

For Lilla Rogers March Bootcamp assignment we were instructed to create a bolt fabric design around Jell-O. At first it seemed the project was a bit silly, and not really up my alley, but the point of this class is to push myself and extend my creative thought pattern.

So after much research and jell-o drawing, I started to see a 1950's jello diner in my designs... needless, to say, the theme took control of itself! I may have gone a bit overboard with my 50's diner theme, but I don't care! It was soooo much fun!!

Here is the March gallery for our Make Art That Sells Assignment Bootcamp class. Check out the awesome work of 400+ artists challenged to create vintage jello mold-inspired designs for the bolt fabric market! - http://bootcamp.lillarogers.com/bootcamp-march-2014-gallery/

All designs, illustrations and intellectual concepts are © 2014 - Brooke Witt Art & Design, LLC unless otherwise noted.

Friday, February 28, 2014

February Studio Recap

Is it summer yet?

Even though February went by fast, it certainly didn't go by fast enough. The winter here in Northeast Ohio has been brutal. With temps in the -0's and constant snow up to our knees, the best thing to do is stay indoors and make stuff!

February brought us:
  • Our first several orders of Personalized Graphic Tees thanks to a wonderful Valentine Sale this year! 
  • I also sold/designed/printed/shipped approximately 200+ personalized art prints from the Near & Dear Etsy shop
  • I worked on several home illustrations this month, one of which has become my new favorite
  • Designed and released for free download, 'You are my favorite' Valentine and it was shared by many on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest with your own favorite people!
  • I added over a years worth of new placement prints and coordinating patterns to my Society6 shop and my Cuckoo Clock design was selected by Society6 to be a part of their official store!
  • And, in case you thought I had any free time, my most favorite online art class started back up again - Lilla Rogers Make Art that Sells Bootcamp - bringing on the cuckoo clock obsession!

See all that along with images from our creative family life when you follow me on Instagram. Please say hi when you stop by!

All said and done, I'd say it was productive month and I can't wait to see March brings to our little studio!


All designs, illustrations and intellectual concepts are © 2014 - Brooke Witt Art & Design, LLC

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

New Designs on Society6

Brand new designs from the body of work I created during Lilla Rogers Make Art that Sells class last year! 

'The Cuckoo Collection', 'Mama's In The Kitchen' and 'The Wildlife Series' are now available as iphone covers, wall clocks, tote bags, prints, pillows and more over in my Society6 store!

All designs, illustrations and intellectual concepts are © 2014 - Brooke Witt Art & Design, LLC

Thursday, February 13, 2014

It's the start of Bootcamp!

Lilla Rogers Make Art that Sells Bootcamp kicked off this month and cuckoo clocks are the theme! From sketching to illustrator to photoshop.... I've been going cuckoo for cuckoo for clocks all week. The main assignment was to create art to go on a cell phone case but the final design could be for anything since the entire point of the class is guided briefs to use as a jumping point for portfolio building.

Excited and ready for more Lilla assignments, I started in my sketchbook and had a brain dump of all the cuckoo related icons I could think of at the time. I had many more pages than this.

Now.... comes the fun part! I sat down and pulled my focus into Illustrator and started fleshing out my color palette. I explored a few clock/bird integrations - cages/bird houses/gadgets and gears as the main placement print.

There are two things I always do when designing a collection: 1. create a logo - which allows me to explore typefaces and hand letting and 2. I naturally create patterns out of almost every icon I develop in Illustrator. So coordinating patterns for a possible fabric line or washi tape set rounded out the collection.

And finally, here is my final mobile phone case mockup for the class image gallery. The final class gallery will be open to the public each month, so I'll be sure to update this post with a link to where you can see all the high quality designs and artwork that is sure to be included.

UPDATE: The February Bootcamp Gallery is open! Click here to view

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Make Art that Sells - Part B

I didn't have any time to post about Make Art that Sells - Part B as it was happening. We were in smack in the middle of buying our first house, focusing on back-to-school season and working long hours in the studio through fall wedding season. BUT, I did manage to create an assignment each week!

Part B was really a breeze compared to Part A. When starting the second segment of the course, I had a real good idea of the level of work I am capable of, how to arrive at finished polished results much more quickly. Part A gave me a lot of working knowledge that I don't use day to day in Illustrator which really helps in moving through a design process. There's nothing more frustrating that not having the technical skills to produce the finished results you had in mind when you started! Practice, practice, practice. Just make. Anyway, I was also WAY better at managing my time - which is essential in a hardcore fast-paced creative brief kind of way.

So are my 5 weeks of Part B: View my entire MATS portfolio here

All designs, illustrations and intellectual concepts are © 2014 - Brooke Witt Art & Design, LLC

Friday, July 12, 2013

Make Art that Sells : Part A Roundup

Well, I can honestly say that I am sad that the Make Art that Sells class is over. In just a few short weeks I learned so much about myself as an artist and how to really stretch my work as a reflection of what I knew I could always do, but never took the time. I didn't learn any new skills per se, as I went into this wanting to hone my current skills, but from Bolt Fabric to illustrating Children's Books, from Home Decor to the Gift Market, I did learn that I do have something to offer! Such a wonderfully exciting and motivating feeling!

Here is my roundup of assignments (left to right):
1. Inspiration piece - excited to start Lilla's class!
2.Bolt Fabric - the theme was mushrooms and vintage dishes
3. Home Decor - plate design using organics
4. Children's Books - Illustrate Hans Christian Andersen's The Snail and The Rose Tree
5. Gift Market - Zipper Pouch (vintage again)

(I didn't do the Wall Art week, instead I focused on creating and releasing the new Monogram Florals in the Near & Dear shop. I'd been sitting on finalizing those designs for some time, and decided it was a better use of my energy to contribute new work to the Etsy shop that week)

Here are a few lessons I took away from the class:

Lesson 1 : A community or creative group is essential to sustaining ones creativity. The community of this classroom is one of the most talented, supportive and enthusiastic group of women (and a few good men!) that one could ever hope to have in your corner. The enthusiasm and support is unlike any group of artists (all working toward the same goal mind you!) I've ever had the joy and pleasure of working beside. 

Lesson 2 : Slow down. I didn't know it until now, but I pretty much lived with the theory that if I couldn't make it to sell and if it couldn't be made in an hour or two, it wasn't worth making. Lilla's class taught me to really take my time with detail, let a piece evolve and create it for me. It's kind of an ironic lesson since we only had a few short days to complete each brief, but that's a few short days more than I had been giving to my personal work in the past. To push the irony one step further, the class is called Make Art that Sells, not Make Art for Yourself. :)  However, that's the place in your heart Lilla brings you to. AND, the results are beyond what I truly thought was inside me! It makes me almost embarrassed to be associated with any work I've done up until now because I see all my work and capabilities in a whole new light!

Lesson 3 : Showing my work to other artists can be nerve wracking! It was hard to get over the "competition" thoughts even though it wasn't a competition. EVER. I found myself feeling really behind compared to other artists (jealous) and really ahead of others (confident). However, by the end of the first mini-assignment, it was clear that everyone has something to bring to the table and the journey is simply with ones self. Really. Truly. And that, my friends, is invaluable.

Lesson 4 :  Listen to what others say about your work. One of the key things I received from the folks in class was another perspective. For some a new perspective might mean, color palette, layout, typography etc. For me, a new perspective came with the descriptive words people used when commenting on my work - nostalgic, special, magical etc. These are powerful and helpful words I now feel safe in using to describe my work going forward. They also give me a feeling to design to when creating new work. If I keep those words and that perspective in mind, my new work seems to fall right in.

Lesson 5 : The pie gets bigger! There's enough work for everyone, the more work we make, the more art that gets bought, the more products manufacturers produce because one thing is for sure, consumers love to buy great art!

Needless to say, I'm very much looking forward to keeping in touch over the next few months with my classmates AND I'm signed up for Part B in October! Overflowing in goodness, I tell you. Overflowing.

If you're interested in checking out Lilla's Class, you can do so here: Lilla Rogers Make Art that Sells

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Make Art that Sells : Week 3 : Children's Book Market

Week 3 with Lilla was all about the Children's Book Market. Though this seems like a very difficult market to break into, I've found the most wonderful thing is there is so much room for style and interpretation - which is beautiful!

To get us warmed up, Lilla wanted us to draw snails and work on lettering the words snail, rose and tree.  I had no idea where this was going to eventually lead us, for the warm-up I played. :)

"They" say that if you want to work in this market and you've never been commissioned to illustrate a book, a way to grow your portfolio is by taking the time to illustrate a spread from well known fairytales or fables.

After the mini-assignment, Lilla assigned us the Snail and the Rose Tree by Hans Christen Andersen. I went through many different ideas, revisions, color palettes etc. I almost ALMOST thought I wasn't going to complete the assignment. I was almost in tears. However, after reading and rereading (and rereading) the story, I found myself laughing at the irony of the ending. So, I decided to illustrate the ending and it all came together....

What is the expression? The smallest violin playing the saddest song in the world....

In the end, although I had a wonderful time designing these two pieces, I'll have to think long and hard about illustrating a children's book if I ever get asked. 

Monday, June 17, 2013

Make Art that Sells : Week 2

Week 2 was nothing short of amazing - again! This week is focusing on Home Decor and our assignment was to create a dinner plate collection using florals and organic elements such as seed pods.

Here's my solution to the assignment. I spent 3 days illustrating many various organic elements and making sure each one was just right, even if it stood on it's on. The after compiling them into a pattern, I broke the elements apart and created a two sets of dinnerware - one traditional and one with a more modern style.

Feedback from my classmates leaned toward the modern collection however in the end, when it came down to picking which one plate (yes! just one!) after much debate, I decided to override their preference… in the most friendliest way, of course! I submitted one from the traditional collection but I compromised and chose the white background which is what everyone stated they loved. (gotta listen to the people!) To me, the modern designs felt like they would be great melamine plates at Target or something - which would be fab! - but I designed the traditional collection with a more elegant and high end purpose. I just love the femininity and nostalgia of a porcelain plate and, in my own way, it was my goal to capture that. Plus, I worked my butt off on those!

Here is the final design I submitted:

This, again, was a wonderful project with lots learned. I stepped out of my color comfort zone (notice? no blues!) and really took the time to come up with well designed icons and motifs. I'd say it paid off! I'm very happy to add these to my portfolio and I hope someday, they become real plates!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Make Art that Sells : Week 1

WOW! What a week! Lilla's class and my classmates are the best thing I've done for myself in a LONG time! The information presented, the support and encouragement of the community and the work I've been producing just blows me away.

Week 1 was focused on bolt fabric for a retro/vintage kitchen line. The assignment was to include mushrooms and here are the designs I came up with. I call it, Mama's in the Kitchen. I see these being wonderful apron's, tea towels, curtains, oven mits etc. 

I love how this class has made me slow down and really focus on the details. That's a good thing.

My inspiration, as usual, came from music. Lately, I've been pulling from the ol' country archives and I've gotten myself hooked on Bonnie Rait. One of my all time favorite Bonnie Rait songs is, Papa Come Quick.  

How can you not tap your foot to this???

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Lilla Roger's Studio School : Make Art That Sells

This happened today! For weeks I've been watching the other artists enrolled in Lilla's class submitting artwork featuring Lilla's Studio School logo - see them all on facebook - and I've been mulling over ideas for this project, but unable to come up with anything that had me rushing to it. Sometimes these things take time....

However, since the classroom opened up a few days ago and I've been meeting all my wonderfully talented classmates, I've been giddy with excitement! Today, I lost hours working on this piece. Hours, I tell you. Back sore, legs numb, forgotten meal times... It was wonderful. :) 

I've made my commitment, I've prepped my space and my heart is open. Now all I need to know is…
Is it Monday, yet?  

Little house by Suzy Ultman for Lilla Roger's Studio.

Speaking of Homegrown : I also rearranged the studio over the last few days. With it finally being "open window" season here in Cleveland, I need to cash in on some of that!

There's something about a new chair, that just makes everything better.

I now get a wonderful breeze that comes in from the windows. 

Gavin and I sit across from one other and play footsies under the desk. :)

Matting, framing, packing and shipping. All happens here. 

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