So, I had to make the official call and bow out on the monthly calendar download for December. I know.... bummer. My sincerest apologies to all those that collect one each month. It truly is an honor to have your support. However, with the warmest of thank you's and gratitude, our Black Friday - Cyber Monday sales are kicking our ass this week. No complaints! Lots of thanks!!
So, with most of the new house, studio and blacksmith shop still in boxes, Etsy orders and the holidays coming fast, something had to give.... I know y'all understand the need to keep the balance. :)

On a more personal note, here's a photo update
from around our new roost:
Gavin made us hooks and coats racks from material found around his shop.
The studio in working shambles.
Here in Cleveland it's rare to get a warm December day. So we took advantage of the quick thaw and started adding to the compost pile.
Found : MILF t-shirt on the lawnmower we inherited with the house. Score!
Gavin made a turkey stock from the leftover turkey carcass and collected the bones. For what? I don't know....
Finally, we hung the party lights in the barn. Feels a bit like Footloose in here!
It's the little things.
Have a wonderful holiday season everyone!!