Showing posts with label Images. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Images. Show all posts

Friday, December 6, 2013

On making decisions, thanks and general home life.

So, I had to make the official call and bow out on the monthly calendar download for December. I know.... bummer. My sincerest apologies to all those that collect one each month. It truly is an honor to have your support. However, with the warmest of thank you's and gratitude, our Black Friday - Cyber Monday sales are kicking our ass this week. No complaints! Lots of thanks!!

So, with most of the new house, studio and blacksmith shop still in boxes, Etsy orders and the holidays coming fast, something had to give.... I know y'all understand the need to keep the balance. :)

On a more personal note, here's a photo update
from around our new roost:

Gavin made us hooks and coats racks from material found around his shop.

The studio in working shambles. 

Here in Cleveland it's rare to get a warm December day. So we took advantage of the quick thaw and started adding to the compost pile. 

Found : MILF t-shirt on the lawnmower we inherited with the house. Score!

Gavin made a turkey stock from the leftover turkey carcass and collected the bones. For what? I don't know....

Finally, we hung the party lights in the barn. Feels a bit like Footloose in here!

It's the little things. 

Have a wonderful holiday season everyone!!

Monday, November 25, 2013

The BIG Move - Shots from the new roost

November has been a big month for us - hence being MIA around the blog lately - because Gavin and I purchased our first ever home on November 5th! Being both full-time freelance artists and independent business owners, we're feeling very victorious that we've been able to purchase a home solely by doing what we love!!! It's been a long road filled with opportunity and trust (ok, a lot of panic) but yes, folks, it *IS* possible. Please don't ever give up!

Here are few images from around the new roost since we've moved in. We have so much planned for this place that our ideas sometimes seem like pipe dreams. But we're doers so we might surprise ourselves.  But for now, it's just perfect for the 3 of us along with lots of space to grow our home businesses - which was #2 on the search list; #1 was good schools.

Lots of outdoor space, 1.73 acres, and a rather larger barn for the blacksmith shop. The barn will need to wired with ample electric but we'll think about that tomorrow. :)

First Sunrise

First Near & Dear shipment in the new studio!

First fire.... awww....

yes, yes.... I had to take a #selfie in our new home!

A rather large population of deer live in our woods - we guess their to be about 11 or 12 all together. Oh and the other night, we heard packs of coyotes too!

First compost 

Thrift store birthday treasures (my birthday was the 19th)

Thrift store birthday treasures 

Thrift store birthday treasures 

Thrift store birthday treasures 

 Getting to work!

All in all, it's still a crude setup and we're making do with what we have and a few purchases from resale shops. We made a promise that we're only going to purchase resale, handmade, conservation-minded or made in America products whenever possible for the house during our new home adventure.

The print studio is up and running for the holidays and we're ready to keep on keepin' on!

I hope you all have a very Happy Thanksgiving and keep an eye here or over on facebook for our Black Friday, Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday sales! We have some great deals you won't want to miss!

Monday, September 9, 2013

September 2013 : Desktop Calendar - Free Download

I'm so glad I waited to design the September calendar until after our mother/daughter/daughter camping and canoe trip! I'll be honest, it is getting well into the month and I wasn't sure I was going to pull a calendar design out of my hat this time but after a much needed weekend away with my mom, I came home with just the right amount of inspiration to create what is my favorite design of the year (so far)! 

So, momma, this one is dedicated to you. 

September 2013 Desktop Calendar

Our little setup by the river at Mohican Reservation in central Ohio. 

Glamping! Sweet little vintage camper. We call her Gerite.
Mom's morning coffee. Everyday should start like this.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Busy being the blacksmith's wife

It's been a busy few weeks as the blacksmiths wife. Gavin had two back-to-back art shows : Manly Mart in Lakewood, Ohio and the Shaker Heights Historical Society Gracious Gardens fest.

Both shows were first year shows and we took a chance on both by not applying to a few of this standard shows this summer. It's important to expand your clientele and reach out to different niche markets and we decided this summer is the time to do it!

We had a fantastic time at both shows, sold product and receive lots of leads for custom iron work. Exciting!

Manly Mart booth

Gavin working on his Manly Hangers.

Hand-forged BBQ tool sets

Gracious Gardens fest show setup

Plant hangers and tiki torches

Lots of garden art for sale!

This gate was raffled off with all proceeds going to the historical society.

The boys doing a blacksmith demo.

The Hive and Coop wagon. If you're in Cleveland and looking for custom chicken coops or bee hives, this is your guy!

Boys and their toys....

I found this nest while we were cleaning up at the end of the show. The groundskeeper verified it had fallen a few days ago but their were no eggs or babies in it. Whew!

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