Showing posts with label sewing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sewing. Show all posts

Friday, March 14, 2014

Celebrating Moth-er Day!

{velvet moths forming a star}

INSPIRATION 2014 #73: Everyone knows that today is Pi Day, Potato Chip Day, International Ask a Question Day, and Science Education Day, but it is also Moth-er Day. After I eat a pie and potato chips for lunch, study the food in my refrigerator for any mold, and ask the question How does one go about establishing a holiday?, I plan to celebrate Moth-er Day by taking a look at some beautiful handmade moths created by Mister Finch. Make sure to visit his website to see his other beautiful textile creations inspired by nature ~ handmade mushrooms, butterflies, bees, spiders, beetles, rabbits, foxes and birds.

{mister finch with giant textile moth}

{textile moths}

{moth pulling a tiny coach}

{source for all images}

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Old Summit Antique Show ~ Fall 2011 ~ Part 2

{lovely little oil painting}

Woman's work is the theme of this selection of antiques spotted at the autumn Old Summit Antique Show last weekend. Don't get me wrong here ~ I am not being sexist, it is just that these items seem to lean towards the feminine in my mind. Many times when reviewing the photos I have taken on an outing, I realize I have inadvertently gathered images of a similar theme ~ or I impose a theme just to come up with a different way of presenting the interesting items I see at these shows! So, please bear with me and enjoy the show!

{large carved mother of pearl button}

{cardboard & glass windowed thread display}

{gold bullion and beaded needlework}

{animal themed candy molds}

{fabulous medical book with lovely die cut layered pages showing different parts of the body}

{brass soap and sponge dish ~ to hang on side of bathtub}

{papier mache santa}

{sleigh ride holiday decoration}

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Fabulous Friday Find

On Fridays in the summer my day job has summer hours ~ we get to leave at 1:00 if we have put in 3 additional hours earlier in the week. So, thanks to the summer hours, I am able to get a start on my antiquing for the weekend. I try to convince myself that a Friday afternoon antiquing will provide the fix for the weekend, but it usually just gets me in the mood for more!

Well, this Friday was a good one ~ I scored a great vintage Star Sewing Thread Display ~ just like this one! Mine is still in the car, but I found these photos online (at twentytimesi ~ already sold!) of an identical display ~ love the internet! This will come in handy for some storage in the studio as well as a nice way to display small handmade items at a craft show. All the drawers slide back and forth and are even removable. My display still has some paper labels attached ~ I will have to post a photo later when I get mine cleaned up and in working order!

{all photos from here}

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Inspiration ~ Embroidered Monograms

Several years ago I remember finding a set of embroidered monograms at the AMVETS Antique Show in Walnut, Iowa ~ the dealer that sold them to me told me that they were used to personalize underwear. Well, I didn't plan on sewing those I bought on my underwear ~ I just thought I would buy them to use in an art or craft project. To tell the truth, I'm not really sure where mine are at the moment!

Yebisu, an Etsy seller, has an amazing array of these embroidered monograms ~ I am tempted to get one of the alphabet lots ~ they are just beautiful. According to the shop description, this is Swiss embroidery made between 1890 and 1950 in St. Gallen.

I think one could come up with many more creative uses for these other than underwear tags, don't you? If you want some for yourself, you can get them here. What will you do with your embroidered monograms?

Yebisu also carries a selection of these beautiful copper stencils ~ for embroidery and cross stitch. I SHOULD get the JR, shouldn't I?

{all images from here}

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Buttons, Buttons, Buttons!

While visiting Mission Road Antique Mall a couple of weekends ago, I spotted these lovely antique calico buttons in a showcase. I see this type of button now and then, but not very often and they are always rather expensive.

If you happen to be in Kansas City though, visit the Steamboat Arabia Museum, where you can see thousands of these beautiful buttons ~ and learn a bit about some history as well. The photo above was taken at the museum ~ click on the photo for the source.

Don't know that I have ever found an entire card of calico buttons ~ thanks to the internet though, I was able to find these and an interesting article about calico buttons. Some day, when I am more organized, I will take a few photos of some of the calico buttons I have found over the years ~ I have some great stencil buttons too.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Treasures for a Tailor

While at the antique show this past weekend I snapped a few photos of some sewing items I admired. Although that forlorn dressform was calling my name, I held back and settled for just a photo instead. I loved the thread display as well, but I didn't want to spend $169. The pincushion was beckoning as well, but I think I may just start collecting hatpins and mourning pins and make one of my own. How about that sewing ham?! Has anyone ever seen anything like that before ~ or know what it is used for?

{Dick was drooling over this as he loves bacon}

{beautiful old laces and notions at Beth's booth}

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Sparks/White Cloud ~ Fall 09 ~ The Trove

At long last, a few photos of some of the things I came home with from Sparks and White Cloud this fall. It always amazes me that I am able to find such wonderful stuff ~ much of it is so old it is a wonder it has survived.

{Arm & Hammer collectible trading cards}

{old marriage certificate}

{glass patterned paperweights}

Below, an exercise workbook of sorts for children from 1923 ~ initially I thought it was a booklet used in school, but after reading the preface, the book was sold for use at home. "These pages were planned with the hope that mothers may be enabled to spend many happy hours with their children..." There are all sorts of activities ~ pages to color, cut out or draw on ~ animals, flowers, birds, paper dolls, mother goose pictures etc. ~ I've just shown a few samples.

{cover and pages from the Juvenile Artist Workbook}

{old & decrepit, but inexpensive music books}

{loved the pattern on this book cover}

{wall registers I plan to use for jewelry display}

{collapsible wire laundry basket to use for display}

{antique crocheted buttons}

Also, a book called Fancy Work for Pleasure and Profit ~ it is filled with all sorts of nice sewing/needlework related graphics and instructions. Unfortunately, the cover was not in the best shape and didn't warrant a photo. I got this book on the way home from my day trip to Sparks and White Cloud ~ at 1/2 Price Books! I'll let you know if there are any really great tips on how to make a profit with fancy work!

{title page and inside pages}

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Sparks/White Cloud ~ Fall 09 ~ The Temptations

As promised, some photos of some of the things I saw at Sparks and White Cloud this year. I keep telling myself that I am spending less and buying less since I am taking more photos, but I'm not so sure. The things I am showing on this post I admired, but didn't buy ~ I'll show you what I purchased in tomorrow's post ~ it's sunny today and I am on vacation from my day job, so I ought to be able to get a few decent photos.

I find I am always drawn to sewing items ~ notions, buttons, clasps, pincushions, dress forms, sewing displays.......

{unique advertising pincushion ~ there were five in the series}

{tiny pincushions ~ especially love the mother of pearl disc one}

{great sewing displays from stores}

{loved this graphic and the name}

Another thing I admire is cast iron ~ I love old heating registers and grates, iron rests, fencing etc. ~ basically decorative iron work.

{lovely victorian fencing ~ $950 was probably reasonable, but more than I wanted to spend}

Then there are the drawers, cabinets, organizers etc.... I never come away from a flea market or antique sale without drooling over some of these. Lately, I am only looking ~ unless it is an amazing bargain or something I just cannot resist ~ I have no room in my house anymore ~ unless I get rid of something!

{nice handmade chest of drawers ~ love the handles}

{old mail boxes ~ would make a great organizer for something}

{great cake cabinet ~ this one was pricey ~ $100}

Groups of objects or collections also catch my eye ~ even if it isn't something I collect or am especially interested in. I'm always appreciative of a vendor's efforts to display their wares well.

{great collection of trophies}

{group of old piano rolls}

{advertising buttons}

{nicely organized scrabble tiles}

{nice grouping of games by color}

Of course, a day at a flea market isn't complete without at stop for a funnel cake or corn dog ~ certainly lots to tempt you here too!