Showing posts with label paper. Show all posts
Showing posts with label paper. Show all posts

Monday, March 10, 2014

Paper Love ~ Ephemera

{rolled vintage sheet music}

Welcome to the PaperLove blog hop! Thanks for hopping over from UK artist, Liz Plummer. If you have gotten this far along on the hop, you already have discovered so many that love paper and the many different reasons why. I'm excited to participate and can't wait to see what others find lovely about paper too!

I have to admit I had trouble limiting myself ~ I really love all sorts of paper ~ from humble cardboard to expensive textured papers as well as beautifully lithographed papers and antique illustrated books. Being a designer and a collector of many things, I thought I would share my passion for paper ephemera and how I use it in my work and for inspiration. Below are some of my favorite paper finds from my personal collection ~ it's no wonder I cannot pass up an antique show or flea market!

*GIVEAWAY! Make sure to leave a comment with your contact info below for a chance to win a handmade paper ornament similar to those shown. I will draw a name and post the winner on March 15. If you would like to keep up with me and my work, please like my Facebook page or follow this blog.

 {collection of stamps ~ more here}

{antique book ~ inside pages here}

{lovely die cut & embossed wedding announcement}

{laminated, embossed & printed cardboard box}

{group of sympathy letters}

{page from Mabel's scrapbook ~ one of my best finds of all! See more here}

Below are ways I incorporate my finds into my work. Sometimes I will use a piece of sheet music, a handwritten letter or a page from a ledger book as a background for a piece of jewelry or bauble. As I find it next to impossible to cut or glue ephemera or my old books, I scan these things instead and manipulate them digitally. As I have no problem using newer books of no value (mostly romance novels!), I do cut them up and use them to make various paper ornaments, functional pieces and paper sculptures. See more of my work here.

{sheet music cover used as background}

{practice writing exercises used as background}

{surface design digitally created using antique book endpapers and antique lace}

{surface design digitally created using antique book pages, chipboard texture and carved mother of pearl buttons}

{Paper ornaments made from folded book pages ~ see more about these here}

{paper sculpture made from folded books and punched paper}

Thanks for visiting ~ I hope you find old paper as exciting as I do!  Make sure to pop on over to Michelle Reynolds ~ she is next on the list of PaperLove participants.

The PaperLove Blog Hop is a celebration of all things paper! Follow the links to discover more bloggers who love paper and use it to inspire and delight. And if you want to explore a whole world of paper, and stretch your paper passion further with a host of creative projects, why not join the innovative new online course PaperLove (starts March 31). Led by book artist Rachel Hazell, PaperLove is a five week creative adventure for paper lovers. Find out more here.

Majo Bautista / Tona Bell Louise Best Cathy Bluteau / Jennifer Bomgardner / Giova Brusa / Lindsay Buck / Beka Buckley / Joanna Caskie / Jonathan Chapman (Mr Yen) / Halle Cisco / Sarah Clare / Cathryn Clarge / Dawn Clarkson / Rhiannon Connelly Jenny D'Fuego / Molly Dhiman / Ian Dudley / Ayisatu Emore / Akmal Farid / Monika Forsberg / Claire Fritz-Domeney / Louise Gale / Chrissy Gaskell / Julie Hamilton / Emma Hawman / Rachel Hazell / Holly Helgeson / Claudine Hellmuth / Kim Henkel / Sarah Hoffman / Joanne Hus / Paula Joerling / Beth Kempton / Julie Kirk / Eos Koch / Katie LaClair / Kristy Lankford / Michelle Manolov / Doreen Marts Rosie Martinez-Dekker / Tori Mears / Maria Mederios / Lise Meijer / Debbie Miller / MaryJane Mitchell / Suzy Naidoo / Grace Noel / Hannah Nunn / Camilla Olsson / Jo Packham / Rachelle Panagarry / Monette Pangan / Melanie Paul Nicole Piar / Jen Pitta / Liz Plummer Julie Reed / Michelle Reynolds / Lisa Rivas Angee Robertson / Natalie Ryan / Aisling Ryan / Elisabet Sapena / Kyrrha Sevco / Jamie Sprague / Elizabeth Steele / Terri Stephens / Juniper Stokes / Mary Tanana / Maike Thoma / Linda Tieu Gabrielle Treanor / Tammy Tutterow / Deborah Velasquez / Jordan Vinograd Kim / Cat Whipple / Brooke Witt / Katie Wood Amelia Woodbridge

Thursday, February 20, 2014

On My Wish List

INSPIRATION 2014 #51: Wouldn't you just love a machine that could print wrapping paper with your own designs? I know I would ~ then again, I would be just as happy if there was a machine available somewhere nearby (perhaps Target since this looks like it is already designed for their store!).

This machine is even better than just a wrapping paper printer for several reasons. From what I could tell, it is free to use, it recycles newspaper and prints with designs so it can be used for wrapping paper. The ad agency Saatchi and Saatchi installed this machine in a shopping center in order to generate interest in conservation and recycling during the Lunar New Year ~ a time during which lots of wrapping paper is used in Hong Kong.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Inspiration for a Gloomy Day

{textile jewelry by tinctory}

It has been quite awhile since I have posted on the blog ~ life has gotten in the way!

Since it is such a grey and gloomy day here, I thought I would share some subtle and understated images that demonstrate that grey doesn't have to be dismal and depressing ~ in fact, it is rather beautiful.  Take a look at these gorgeous images from a variety of artists & sources.

{papier mache silverware by ann wood}

{nature collection by geninne}

{beautiful spools of vintage seam binding from here}

Friday, October 5, 2012

Lisa Nilsson ~ Artist

The other day I was scanning through images on Pinterest and happened upon this amazing piece of quilled paper artwork illustrating a cross section of a human head. As I was intrigued by the scientific illustration, loved the presentation in the handmade box and admired the beautifully crafted paper work, I had to delve deeper. Turns out, this work is created by Lisa Nilsson, a classmate of mine from RISD!

The work shown here is from her Tissue series ~ a group of quilled paper works illustrating cross sections of the human body ~ make sure to take a look at the whole series here

{detail from Angelico, 2012}

In addition to her paper illustrations, Lisa also has a wonderful series of boxes.  As I am drawn to many of the same bits and pieces that Lisa is, these pieces are especially interesting to me.  Her color palettes and selection and arrangement of objects are beautiful, while her craftsmanship is impeccable.

{Hayley, 2007}

 {Withdrawn, 2009}

  {detail from Withdrawn, 2009}

While I didn't realize we had so much in common when we were in illustration classes together at RISD, it is lovely to discover a kindred spirit all these years later.  I know that for me, I didn't figure out what many of my interests were until years after college was over and I began to hit antique malls and flea markets.  I love that Lisa has included some shots of some of her collections that inspire her ~ these caught my eye as I have many of the same things in my home. Yes, I do have some dental pieces, but not as cool of a collection as Lisa's!

{all images from here}

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Vintage Paper Cuts

{source here}

Spotted this interesting CDV on Pinterest today ~ look at the size of these amazing paper cut snowflakes! I don't know that I have ever seen a vintage photo like this before ~ I can't figure out if it was taken to show off the skills of the performer or if it was just a whimsical grouping of props. I love the fact that these are such a large scale ~ everyone is familiar with cutting a paper snowflake, but how many have made such large versions? Something to think about for next year's holiday decorations!

The photo was originally shown on Cabinet Magazine in an article about sepia photographs, but other than it fitting into that category I didn't see any additional information about this specific photo. Makes you wonder!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

A Pleasant Surprise

Last week I picked up this year's Christmas Ideas by Better Homes and Gardens only to notice that the stylist has used the glitter chipboard snowflakes I had designed for K&Company's Christmas Cheer ~ what a compliment!

Even better, as I paged through the magazine, I got to the "Vintage Glow" article featuring Debbie Dusenberry's Curious Sofa and noticed that the paper book ornaments I have been making were pictured along with all of the lovely vignettes from the shop.

If you get a chance, pick up a copy of the issue for yourself ~ there are lots of great ideas and inspiration in many different styles.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Brown Paper Packages

Here's another item I bought the weekend of the antique show ~ vintage craft envelopes! I got these in an antique shop in Greenwood, Missouri ~ a tiny town with several shops ~ I always stop on the way home from Antiques on the Common. I love the graphics on the box and the great size (4.5" x 6.5") and color of the envelopes. My brother is shaking his head again!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

BH&G Christmas Ideas

Better Homes & Gardens Christmas Ideas is now on newstands everywhere ~ this year, it was exciting for me to have some of my work included! Debbie Dusenberry's (Stylist & Owner of Curious Sofa) beautifully decorated home is featured in a lovely multi page spread ~ her unique style and impeccable taste is evident in every image. Debbie borrowed some of my book sculptures and paper ornaments for the photo shoot ~ I am flattered that she chose to use my work and I love seeing how beautiful it looks in the vignettes she styled! Even though only one of the images shown below made it for the final cut, I thought the other photos are worthy of sharing too.

There are lots of great ideas in this issue, so go pick up a copy ~ visit Curious Sofa Diaries to see more of Debbie's home.

{book sculptures ~ image from magazine spread}

{Paper ornament ~ see more here}

{more book sculptures}

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Corrugate Cardboard Artist ~ Mark Langan

After finding the office made of cardboard at Nothing, I did a little searching and found the work below ~ also made of cardboard. Mark Langan is an artist who creates work from corrugate ~ aside from his gallery pieces below, he also creates corporate logos ~ check them out here. I love the beautiful textures and color combinations ~ very inspirational!

{all images from here}

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Something from Nothing

Came across an article here about an ad agency in Amsterdam called Nothing. They describe what they do as "commerical creativity". The whole idea behind the name of their agency is that "Nothing is the point from which all ideas begin." To further reiterate the concept, Joost van Bleiswijk designed their entire office of cardboard ~ the most nothing-building material available. People are encouraged to leave their mark as the walls and surfaces serve as a blank canvas just waiting for fresh ideas.

I've just always loved the simplicity and textures of cardboard, so it is interesting to see it used in this fashion ~ I just wonder how long it will last?!

{all images via nothing}