Showing posts with label jewelry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jewelry. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Martha Stewart American Made Finalist!

This year I entered the Martha Stewart American Made Awards - and have made it to finalist!  I need as many votes as I can rustle up, so if you would like to vote, please click here, register, then you will be able to cast up to 6 votes a day until October 13th.  You can cast all of your votes for one person or spread them amongst your favorites - there are many talented finalists here. Thank you for your support!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Lucky Charms

{opened charm}

 {partially closed charm}

 {fully closed ~ source}


INSPIRATION 2014 #76: Just in time for St. Patrick's Day ~ beautiful Victorian era four leaf clover charms. As is shown in the first three images, this type of charm folds into itself to form one single heart shaped leaf ~ when opened, a four leaf clover. While I can make a guess as to what the pig (wealth), flower (beauty), and four leaf clover (luck) mean, I haven't a clue as to what the mushroom or toadstool symbolizes. Any ideas?

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Hair of the Dog

{All images from the NYPL Digital Image Collection}

INSPIRATION 2014 #8: Yesterday's inspiration showed some actual mourning jewelry ~ today, here are some pages from an antique catalog (circa 1870) of Victorian jewelry patterns to be made from hair ~ you may recognize some pieces that are similar to the jewelry shown earlier. Here is a great article that covers lots of information about Victorian Hairwork.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Dreaming of Downton

{Image from here}

INSPIRATION 2014 #7: After watching the first episode of Downton Abbey this past Sunday, my interest in objects of mourning has been renewed. Above is a beautiful selection of various kinds of mourning jewelry ~ several made with human hair. You will also notice that tiny pearls are used in many of the pieces ~ they symbolize tears.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Inspiration for a Gloomy Day

{textile jewelry by tinctory}

It has been quite awhile since I have posted on the blog ~ life has gotten in the way!

Since it is such a grey and gloomy day here, I thought I would share some subtle and understated images that demonstrate that grey doesn't have to be dismal and depressing ~ in fact, it is rather beautiful.  Take a look at these gorgeous images from a variety of artists & sources.

{papier mache silverware by ann wood}

{nature collection by geninne}

{beautiful spools of vintage seam binding from here}

Sunday, September 11, 2011

In Memory Of

Ten years have passed and seeing images and listening to interviews pertaining to 9.11 still brings tears to my eyes. Remembering and honoring those who lost their lives ten years ago today.

I've gathered some images of some beautiful Victorian mourning jewelry ~ a lovely way to remember and cherish those passed on.

{click on each image for source}

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Spoils from the Schlepp Sisters Sale

Thought I would share with you a few shots of the treasures I came home with from the Schlepp Sisters Sale last weekend. As you will see, I made especially good use of one of the items already ~ an ancient bound book of sheet music ~ it is in terrible shape, but that makes it easy to utilize the pages in all sorts of ways.

Spotted this inexpensive onyx and brass brooch and couldn't resist ~ I just love the floral and mesh patterned border. The stone is loose, so repairing it will be another project to add to my "to do" list ~ at least it should be a quickie!

{mini collection of vintage buckles}

{beautiful black and cream transferware plate ~ another great prop for photos!}

{Old favorites to add to my collection ~ Hull & McCoy matte white pottery}

{spine of the "bound" sheet music book}

I was so surprised to find this book of sheet music since I had arrived at the sale late in the day ~ I cannot believe that no one else snapped it up ~ lucky me! While it is in rough shape ~ there are water stains, all sorts of foxing, and it is basically falling apart ~ this was the perfect state for me! The condition made it affordable and all of its imperfections will make for interesting backgrounds for styling photos or utilizing in artwork. So, guess what?! Another project for the "to do" list ~ this won't be a quickie as there are at least 100 pages (printed front and back) to scan ~ but, once scanned, will be a great resource for my personal library of images!

{great water damaged page and illustrated cover}

{samples of some of the beautiful typography in the book}

{lovely foxed page of music}

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Beautiful Beaded Beads

Speaking of treats, a few weeks ago I treated myself to not one, but two pairs of impeccably made beaded bead earrings from tqbdesigns. Lisa Gastelum is the artist/designer who makes these beautiful pieces ~ each bead is woven by hand using a traditional gourd stitch ~ many of the metal components are handcrafted as well. Lisa has a large selection of unique styles and colors to choose from ~ the hard part is making a choice! Visit her website and her blog to see more of her work or treat yourself to something special at her etsy store.

Below are a few more examples of Lisa's work ~ these are even more beautiful in person! All images shown are from tqbdesigns ~ beautiful photography as well!

{pendant necklaces}

{lovely linked bracelet}

{next on my wish list!}

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Valentine Show

{deep red ruffle scarflette}

I will be participating in Curious Sofa's Valentine Show this year, along with several other talented artists. The show begins on Friday and continues through the weekend ~ visit here for details and a sneak peek. I will be in and out over the weekend ~ please stop by and say hi!

Here are a few brooches I have been working on ~ still have more to finish tomorrow!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Sneak Peek ~ Brooches

Not a good idea to try to take photos after midnight in a poorly lit kitchen ~ but was anxious to post a little sneak peek of some of the brooches I have been working on. With a little luck and a few more late nights, I hope to have a nice selection ~ we'll see!

{crocheted and loom woven brooches with a variety of vintage and found embellishments}

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Wrapture! Wool Wrapped Bracelets

Thought I'd share with you some photos of the wool wrapped bracelets I have been making. I started making these last year and just can't seem to stop ~ the colors and textures are so appealing to me and compared to some of the other things I make, these go relatively quickly. I've been using kettle dyed wool yarns ~ aren't the colors gorgeous?!

Well, I thought I had come up with something new - but alas, a quick search on the internet brought up some similar bangles by designer Elizabeth Yarborough - hers are made of wool and cashmere and go for $45 - $145 here. I guess mine are a bargain at $10 - $18 at my etsy shop.

{Elizabeth Yarborough bangles; image from here}