Showing posts with label home decor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label home decor. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Week of Wire ~ Candle Holders

INSPIRATION 2014 #92: Another functional object made from wire ~ beautiful candle/votive holders. Wire is such a great material as it is delicate, but strong ~ allowing one to create seemingly fragile objects that are actually very sturdy. While wire is relatively easy to work with, it will do a number on your hands!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Knitting Time!

INSPIRATION 2014 #79: A knitted clock! Don't think I've seen one of these before ~ although it is beautiful and unusual, I can't help my practical side coming through ~ how to keep it clean? Visit here to see some more creative ways to incorporate knitted items into your decor.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Storing Books

{use books as a side table}

{convert a door into a bookshelf}

 {stacked on the stairs}

 {as home security ~ block a doorway}

INSPIRATION 2014 #77: Need some creative ideas for how to store or display your book collection? See here for 35 unique solutions ~ some rather impractical, but others certainly doable. I've shown a few above, my favorite being the home security solution ~ yes, it may keep people from getting in, but how do you get out?
All images from here.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Welcome Mat

INSPIRATION 2014 #74: This could be a fun project for your walkway ~ then again, it might be a giant project depending on how long your sidewalk is! The description says this is chalk, but it seems to be too opaque for chalk ~ I would guess it is paint. Paint would certainly last longer than chalk!  Below is a painted large scale doily ~ created using a stencil. As a collector of antique lace, I love how these lace designs are translated in unexpected ways for a contemporary look.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

BH&G Christmas Ideas

Better Homes & Gardens Christmas Ideas is now on newstands everywhere ~ this year, it was exciting for me to have some of my work included! Debbie Dusenberry's (Stylist & Owner of Curious Sofa) beautifully decorated home is featured in a lovely multi page spread ~ her unique style and impeccable taste is evident in every image. Debbie borrowed some of my book sculptures and paper ornaments for the photo shoot ~ I am flattered that she chose to use my work and I love seeing how beautiful it looks in the vignettes she styled! Even though only one of the images shown below made it for the final cut, I thought the other photos are worthy of sharing too.

There are lots of great ideas in this issue, so go pick up a copy ~ visit Curious Sofa Diaries to see more of Debbie's home.

{book sculptures ~ image from magazine spread}

{Paper ornament ~ see more here}

{more book sculptures}

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Feathering my nest

Found this feather wreath a couple weeks ago at a craft store ~ and on sale! I love the subtle colors and was really happy with how it looked on my deep purple door. It is always satisfying when the end results are what you envisioned in the first place AND it is a quick and easy solution!