Showing posts with label holidays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label holidays. Show all posts

Monday, March 17, 2014

Lucky Charms

{opened charm}

 {partially closed charm}

 {fully closed ~ source}


INSPIRATION 2014 #76: Just in time for St. Patrick's Day ~ beautiful Victorian era four leaf clover charms. As is shown in the first three images, this type of charm folds into itself to form one single heart shaped leaf ~ when opened, a four leaf clover. While I can make a guess as to what the pig (wealth), flower (beauty), and four leaf clover (luck) mean, I haven't a clue as to what the mushroom or toadstool symbolizes. Any ideas?

Happy St. Patrick's Day 2014!

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Today is . . .

 {collages by Maissa Toulet}

INSPIRATION 2014 #67: According to Days of the Year, today is Genealogy Day. It is also Women's Day, Proofreading Day and Peanut Cluster Day ~ do you suppose there is a greeting card for all of these special holidays?

In honor of Genealogy Day, above are some beautiful family tree collages created by artist, Maissa Toulet. As I don't read French, I am not sure if these are actual family trees or fantasy family trees, but it doesn't matter as they are so beautiful ~ and I think have a sense of humor. Check out some of the words added to describe the different people ~ grotesque and braguette don't sound complimentary to me!

This would be a fun way to record your own family's lineage and make a piece of art to enjoy and hand down to future generations. So, Happy Genealogy Day ~ a good day to cherish your family!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Happy Fastnacht Day!

INSPIRATION 2014 #63: Given my Pennsylvania roots, I could not let Fastnacht Day go by without a mention. For those of you unfamiliar with Fastnacht Day, here is a bit of information on the history and even some recipes. Fastnachts are basically doughnuts, of which there are three kinds: one made with yeast, one made with baking powder, and one made with potatoes and yeast. Traditionally, the idea behind Fastnacht Day is to eat the best foods (and lots of it!) before fasting for Lent. Fastnacht Day is also known as Shrove Tuesday or Fat Tuesday. So, a good day to indulge!

If you really want to stick to your diet, you can still celebrate by reading Arnie, the Doughnut ~ a book written and illustrated by my friend and talented illustrator, Laurie Keller.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

L is for Love!

{design from my Be Mine collection}

INSPIRATION 2014 #45: In the spirit of Valentine's Day, above is a piece I created for art licensing ~ I think it would make a romantic gift bag.  Wishing you and those you love a Happy Valentine's Day!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Happy Ground Hog Day!

Happy Ground Hog Day!  Despite the prediction of 6 more weeks of winter, this antique postcard has a more uplifting sentiment. May the shadow of your purse grow larger every year. I may not have a good shape, but everybody likes my shadow.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Happy 4th of July

{image from here}

Wishing everyone a happy & safe 4th of July!

{image from here}

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter 2012!

A Happy Easter to all! Looks like a beautiful day is ahead ~ at least where I live! Found a few Easter themed images to share ~ mostly via Pinterest. Of course, the one I had in mind I couldn't locate ~ probably one of those times where I wasn't able to pin. I have linked all the images (click on image for link) to where I found them, but unfortunately there are several that haven't been pinned properly and one cannot find out where the original source actually is.

I have to say, I am glad the custom of dressing up for Easter didn't catch on ~ these would be some mighty embarrassing photos for your parents to show prospective mates or in case you might choose to run for public office.

The photo below reminds me of Easter when I was a child ~ a new dress and hunting for the easter baskets that my dad hid. It was best if you could find your basket before we left for church so that you would have some candy to get through the service ~ otherwise you had to wait until afternoon. Sometimes those baskets were impossible to find ~ my dad was really clever with hiding them ~ I remember once there was one in the bottom of the laundry hamper. Another time he took the lampshade off, installed the easter basket and replaced the lampshade ~ that may have been the hardest one to find. Then there was also the egg hunt.......

Can't say I ever found any eggs like those below! My grandmother usually had a special egg hunt all set up for my brother and me ~ she taped nickles, dimes and quarters to the decorated eggs. She also wasn't nearly as crafty with hiding the eggs as my dad was with the baskets, so there was always a mad scramble (no pun intended!) to grab up as many eggs as possible and then hope you had a bunch with the quarters on them! So, what easter memories do you have?

{remember to click on image for source}

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Bon Poisson d'Avril 2012!

{Image from here}

Wishing you a Happy April Fool's Day ~ complete with fish that symbolize love and friendship (at least according to the French!). See last year's posting for more examples and a few links that give a better explanation than I have.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Luck of the Irish

I know I am several days late (thanks to National Button Week!) and at least a dollar short as I did not find that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow yet, but I did find these intricate shamrock decorations for celebrating St. Patrick's Day. I found these at an antique show a few months ago and was intrigued by the thread and wire work used to create these ~ it is actually similar to some of the old Victorian hair work techniques. The pipe on the light green decoration is die cut and embossed paper, while the little hat is ceramic ~ if you look carefully, you can see the label that says "Made in Japan".

{back view}

I'll bet these were added to corsages or hats or as a boutonniere to show your spirit ~ I have no idea when they were made ~ just wish there were such things on the market today. At any rate, wishing you all a month of the luck of the Irish ~ hope you all had a Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

It is always all or nothing for me when it comes to Halloween ~ this year is a nothing year ~ the day job is taking its toll. Even though we have passed the costumes and decorations by this year, we did get candy for the trick or treaters!

Have a safe and happy Halloween!

(for photo sources, click here)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Old Summit Antique Show ~ Fall 2011 ~ Part 2

{lovely little oil painting}

Woman's work is the theme of this selection of antiques spotted at the autumn Old Summit Antique Show last weekend. Don't get me wrong here ~ I am not being sexist, it is just that these items seem to lean towards the feminine in my mind. Many times when reviewing the photos I have taken on an outing, I realize I have inadvertently gathered images of a similar theme ~ or I impose a theme just to come up with a different way of presenting the interesting items I see at these shows! So, please bear with me and enjoy the show!

{large carved mother of pearl button}

{cardboard & glass windowed thread display}

{gold bullion and beaded needlework}

{animal themed candy molds}

{fabulous medical book with lovely die cut layered pages showing different parts of the body}

{brass soap and sponge dish ~ to hang on side of bathtub}

{papier mache santa}

{sleigh ride holiday decoration}

Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day 2011

{Read about the "Buddy" Poppy here}
Remembering those who have served and those who are serving our country.
Have a safe and enjoyable holiday!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Happy May Day!

May Day Celebrations in 1910 (above) and 1911 (below) at the University of Missouri.

{Images from here}

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

Four Little Bunnies is a children's book from the 30's ~ written and photographed by Harry Whittier Frees, who was born in the town where I grew up ~ Reading, Pennsylvania. A whole series of books like these were created using kittens, puppies and other animals dressed in clothes and set in various different scenes ~ I remember liking these as a child ~ the books must have been my mom's when she was young.
The etsy seller where I found the image of the bunny washing clothes mentioned that the book has two notes in the beginning, the first is a dedication: "Dedicated to all the little bunnies who posed for the pictures in this book" and underneath that: "Note: These unusual photographs of real bunnies were made possible only by the patient and unfailing kindness on the part of the photographer at all times."

Wishing you and yours a wonderful Easter!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Bon Poisson d'Avril!

This morning I read about how the French celebrate April Fool's day here ~ I have always wondered about the meaning of these funny postcards with fish ~ I just figured some artist liked fish and had a sense of humor. It is nice to know that there are still some clever people out there who like fish ~ visit here and see for yourself! Happy April Fool's Day!

{images from here}

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Happy Groundhog's Day!

Despite the fact that Punxsutawney Phil DIDN'T see his shadow today, given the weather across the country, does anyone really believe spring is on the way?! I actually question whether or not they were even able to find Phil today - if I were a groundhog, I would not be coming out of my tunnel today at all! While I really want to believe Phil, it is hard to be optimistic when shoveling a foot of snow and braving the frigid temperatures! If you are truly snowbound and forgot to hit the grocery store before the snow hit, one can always resort to this - if you can locate a groundhog:

Happy Groundhog's Day everyone!