{type cabinet containing type ~ source}
{side view ~ source}
INSPIRATION 2014 #70: Another holiday I knew nothing about ~ Organize Your Home Office Day! A good opportunity to share a great way to organize laces or ribbons. The letterpress shelves above are not as common to find as those shown below ~ also, as the spaces are narrow and different depths, they can be hard to work with. My sister gave me a shelf like those above ~ I have been using it for thin spools of ribbon, but l like the idea of using it for lace as is shown above ~ using it sideways is another clever solution.
{smaller type drawer}
{type cabinet filled with bits and baubles}
The type drawers are a great way to organize small bits of ephemera, buttons, baubles and beads. Having these organized makes working with them so much easier ~ plus, keeps your workspace manageable. So, enjoy Organize Your Home Office Day ~ perhaps celebrate by organizing just one small area. If this is not your cup of tea, it is also World Plumbing Day, so you could celebrate that (I don't have any suggestions on how though) instead!