The other day I was scanning through images on Pinterest and happened upon this amazing piece of quilled paper artwork illustrating a cross section of a human head. As I was intrigued by the scientific illustration, loved the presentation in the handmade box and admired the beautifully crafted paper work, I had to delve deeper. Turns out, this work is created by Lisa Nilsson, a classmate of mine from RISD!
The work shown here is from her Tissue series ~ a group of quilled paper works illustrating cross sections of the human body ~ make sure to take a look at the whole series here.
{detail from Angelico, 2012}
In addition to her paper illustrations, Lisa also has a wonderful series of boxes. As I am drawn to many of the same bits and pieces that Lisa is, these pieces are especially interesting to me. Her color palettes and selection and arrangement of objects are beautiful, while her craftsmanship is impeccable.
{Hayley, 2007}
{Withdrawn, 2009}
{detail from Withdrawn, 2009}
While I didn't realize we had so much in common when we were in illustration classes together at RISD, it is lovely to discover a kindred spirit all these years later. I know that for me, I didn't figure out what many of my interests were until years after college was over and I began to hit antique malls and flea markets. I love that Lisa has included some shots of some of her collections that inspire her ~ these caught my eye as I have many of the same things in my home. Yes, I do have some dental pieces, but not as cool of a collection as Lisa's!