Showing posts with label collage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label collage. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Spring, Where are You?

INSPIRATION 2014 #83:  Fond memory of spring gone by . . . pressed wildflower wreath. After another snowy day, I am starting to wonder if spring will ever arrive this year.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Today is . . .

 {collages by Maissa Toulet}

INSPIRATION 2014 #67: According to Days of the Year, today is Genealogy Day. It is also Women's Day, Proofreading Day and Peanut Cluster Day ~ do you suppose there is a greeting card for all of these special holidays?

In honor of Genealogy Day, above are some beautiful family tree collages created by artist, Maissa Toulet. As I don't read French, I am not sure if these are actual family trees or fantasy family trees, but it doesn't matter as they are so beautiful ~ and I think have a sense of humor. Check out some of the words added to describe the different people ~ grotesque and braguette don't sound complimentary to me!

This would be a fun way to record your own family's lineage and make a piece of art to enjoy and hand down to future generations. So, Happy Genealogy Day ~ a good day to cherish your family!

Friday, February 7, 2014

Thought for the Day

INSPIRATION 2014 #37: A good thought to keep in mind and a lovely image that illustrates that thought. Both images are from Pinterest, but no sources were available ~ please leave a comment if you are or know who I can attribute either of these to.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Collage ~ Angelica Paez

Artwork is another thing I find inspirational ~ especially collage. Since I am so drawn to old engravings and illustrations, it isn't surprising that I love the work of Angelica Paez. I've shown a few samples of her work below, but she has much more at her blog called scrapatorium ~ make sure to check it out! Not only is there a large body of Angelica's work, there are many collages from artists all over the world. If you like collage, scrapatorium is a great place to visit.

{wonderful masked women}

{great use of scientific illustration}

{love the birds}{interesting combination}

All above collages by Angelica Paez

I really like the little Society for Cutting Up Paper graphic as well, but was not able to find any further information on it. If anyone knows more or has a link, please let me know.