Showing posts with label botanical. Show all posts
Showing posts with label botanical. Show all posts

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Botanicals ~ A Modern Approach to Display

INSPIRATION 2014 #86: Shown above are a few examples of several contemporary approaches to displaying pressed plant material. These images are so versatile ~ they look great in just about any environment. The last image shown is actually wallpaper ~ could make a lovely statement in the right place!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Botanicals ~ Ways to Display

{wonderful juxtaposition of industrial and antique found here}

 {lovely way to add nature to your interior surroundings from here}

 {beautiful large scale botanicals by Stuart Thornton from here}

INSPIRATION 2014 #85: What to do with a wonderful botanical? Above are a few ideas to start with ~ from simple and fleeting to a big statement, the possibilities are endless. Now, just to find some wall space!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Splendid Specimens

{These three images are all from this antique Herbier ~ shown here}

{A page from Emily Dickinson's Herbarium from here}

{Decorative approach from here}

INSPIRATION 2014 #84: Lovely botanical specimens from the past ~ pressed and preserved for reference, but created in such a way that they become art. Especially pleasing to me is the way the plant forms were attached to the backing paper with strips of paper or parts of labels. The penmanship also adds a beautiful element to these examples.