Showing posts with label magazines/books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label magazines/books. Show all posts

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Love Entwined ~ A Hair-raising History

INSPIRATION 2014 #11:  Got your attention with the title of my post, right?  Actually, Love Entwined is one of the few books I have found on the history of hairwork. While it has few illustrations, I thought the information it contained was quite interesting ~ it is tough to find at a library, but worth searching it out if you have interest in this subject. Read a few snippets from the book or buy it here.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Uppercase Magazine & Giveaway!

I'm sure many of you are familiar with Uppercase Magazine, but if you aren't make sure to take a look and think about getting a subscription for yourself ~ you won't be disappointed! From the moment your issue arrives and you open the envelope and smell the freshly printed pages, it is an experience you shouldn't deprive yourself of! Uppercase Magazine ~ a magazine for the creative and curious ~ is quite the showstopper. Every issue is filled with beautiful images, interesting articles and a fabulous variety of all sorts of inspiration. Below are a few covers and spreads to give you an idea of what the magazine is like.

Uppercase Magazine is inquisitive, inspired, adventurous, eclectic & playful ~ literally, there is something (probably more than one something!) of interest for everyone. Read more about the magazine or subscribe here.

Uppercase's blog is also fun & inspiring ~ sometimes there is information about upcoming issues or a behind the scenes look at creating the magazine. There are also posts on ways for readers/subscribers to contribute to the magazine. In addition to the gorgeous magazine and blog, Uppercase also publishes amazing books. There is a great book bundle available now ~ check it out here.

As I made a mistake with my renewal and ended up with a double copy of Issue #10, Janine (from Uppercase) has generously donated the copy for a giveaway. So, leave a comment with your contact information and you will be entered in a drawing for Issue #10 of Uppercase Magazine. I will draw a winner next Wednesday ~ drawing ends at midnight on Tuesday, August 16. Good luck!

(all images from Uppercase}

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Anthology Magazine

Print Is Not Dead from Anthology Magazine on Vimeo.

While I can't remember where I first heard about Anthology Magazine ~ probably on a blog somewhere, I did remember that what I saw looked interesting and that Anthropologie was carrying it. So, being the frugal person I am, I decided to pick up a copy to look through before I committed to buying a subscription. So, I came home with Issue #2, took a look and am now a subscriber ~ so happy there are some new magazines being published ~ I was having withdrawal from all those that have disappeared over the last few years.

Anthology Magazine: Living with Substance & Style is an independent magazine that launched in the fall of 2010. Each issue explores a different theme ~ below are the covers of the first three issues ~ click here for a glimpse of the content of each of the issues. Make sure to visit their blog and also don't miss the video above ~ it was for the launch of the magazine and it is just wonderful!

{Issue #1 ~ The Slow Life}

{Issue #2 ~ Where the Past Meets the Present}

{Issue #3 ~ Life is a Party!}

Monday, June 27, 2011

Q & A Journal

I have never been one to write a journal or a diary ~ I've always found them a bit intimidating ~ but when I saw the beautiful book cover of the Q & A a day Journal, I couldn't resist! Who says you can't judge a book by its cover? ~ in this case I did! Black foil typography and graphic elements contrast with raw kraft paper creating a gorgeous book that feels good in your hands.

The inside of the book is nicely designed as well and is filled with questions or prompts that make it easy to jot down a quick note each day. You can start the journal anytime ~ each page/date has room for five years of entries. Here are a few examples of some of the questions/prompts:
• Write down a problem you solved today.
• Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
• What's your favorite accessory?
• What's the most creative thing you've done recently?
• Today you got rid of _____.
• What's your hairstyle?

Since this is a 5 year journal ~ I think it will be fun to look back and see how I answered the same questions each day year after year. Doesn't this seem less intimidating than most journals?

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Beautiful Book ~ Antique Packaging

While in NYC a couple weeks ago, I stopped in at Kinokuniya Bookstores near Bryant Park. Kinokuniya carries a large selection of magazines, books, stationery and gifts from Japan ~ I especially love the bottom floor where there is a great section for crafts.

While looking through the art section on the second floor, I found this wonderful book ~ Antique Packaging by Josep Ma Garrofe. This book contains a lovely large collection of antique packaging ~ organized by theme or industry and photographed in a unique way. The examples shown were carefully selected from a private collection ~ most of which was collected by one person ~ Francesc Serra.

Primarily chosen for their design and aesthetic aspects, the packages also had to be made of cardboard for this project. The book has a vintage and tactile feel to it as it is printed on uncoated stock and is gorgeously designed. Below are a few of my favorite spreads:

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Worth pondering

Came upon this over at ECAB ~ from August 2009, but still relevant. Read or listen about the high cost of buying 'cheap'. As an artist/designer, I deal with this issue everyday ~ actually, it impacts everyone in some way. Definitely an issue to consider when making purchases. Is quality valued anymore? What price are you willing to pay for quality?

Has anyone read this book? I'm wondering if it includes any thoughts or solutions to the problem.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

A Pleasant Surprise

Last week I picked up this year's Christmas Ideas by Better Homes and Gardens only to notice that the stylist has used the glitter chipboard snowflakes I had designed for K&Company's Christmas Cheer ~ what a compliment!

Even better, as I paged through the magazine, I got to the "Vintage Glow" article featuring Debbie Dusenberry's Curious Sofa and noticed that the paper book ornaments I have been making were pictured along with all of the lovely vignettes from the shop.

If you get a chance, pick up a copy of the issue for yourself ~ there are lots of great ideas and inspiration in many different styles.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

New Country Home Magazine AND A Plan B!

Country Home Magazine is back! Well, at least quarterly I think ~ I happened upon my issue at Costco this past weekend. I have been on magazine withdrawal since so many of my favorite magazines folded in the last several years so I am happy to see they are bringing Country Home back even if it is only 4 times a year. The issue seems a bit larger than previous issues and the cover is printed on heavier stock ~ the price is higher too ~ $12.99 ~ that seems to be the trend these days! If that is what it costs to make a quality magazine and employ professional designers, photographers & writers, I don't mind spending the extra money!

Below are a few highlights from this issue ~ the design and layout is a bit cleaner than before ~ a fresher and more contemporary approach to country. The fonts used throughout the issue are elegant and feminine, yet inviting and easy to read ~ I think the whole issue has a kind of relaxing and serene quality to it. I love that all of the rooms look comfortable and lived in ~ they seem attainable to me (a person with alot of stuff!). There are many different features throughout the magazine ~ I've just shown a few of my favorites ~ I especially like the hunting & gathering section and the ideas for reusing vintage finds. Then, my absolute favorite ~ antiquers & junkers and their favorite finds!

As I was leafing through the issue I came upon the page below and noticed something familiar......are you thinking what I'm thinking? You know how sometimes you are out and about and you see something you haven't seen before ~ then, the rest of the day you end up seeing 2 or 3 more? Maybe it's because you've just never noticed it before ~ or maybe it is just a freaky coincidence ~ but this sort of thing happens to me ALL the time!

In this instance, the metal cabinet with the 30 drawers that I posted about here is buried on page 21 of this issue (see it hiding there in the background?)! I wonder if theirs was sponge painted when they got it?! I find it so weird that I haven't seen such a thing for years ~ then, in the space of a week I see two! I am happy to see a different solution for the redo ~ now, in case the brushed metal idea doesn't work out I have a Plan B ~ paint it white!

{all images from Country Home Magazine ~ late summer 2010 issue}

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Wish List

Came upon this book the other day: Lists: To-dos, Illustrated Inventories, Collected Thoughts, and Other Artists by Liza Kirwin ~ this looks really interesting to me ~ I'm going to have to add it to my wish list! I wasn't able to find very many images online, but I did find an article the gives a better description of the book and cites the author's top ten favorite lists from the book here. Have any of you gotten this book yet? I would love to hear what you think about it ~ please leave a comment!

I love the idea of illustrating lists ~ even before I saw this book I have been thinking of starting some sort of illustrated journal ~ I've bought myself a little travel set of watercolors, some small watercolor pads and even a water bottle, so I'm all set!

{all images from the book}

Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day Symbol

As we celebrate Memorial Day and honor those that have given their lives for our country, the flag is flown in remembrance. I thought I would share a few images from a book I have that is a wonderful graphic history of the American flag ~ Long May She Wave, still available here. The images below depict political collectibles, postcards, advertising, and a poster, just a few of the ways the flag has been graphically translated to formats other than a fabric flag ~ one can be patriotic in many different ways!

{all images from book}

Friday, March 12, 2010

In Flagrante Collecto ~ Magnifico!

Speaking of collections, have you seen this book? In Flagrante Collecto ~ caught in the act of collecting by Marilynn Gelfman Karp is a wonderful collection of collections. Some of the examples are those you would expect, but there are many unusual collections showcased. Shown are a few of my favorites ~ all images are from the book.

{ruler collection endpapers}

{vintage rubber stamp paraphernalia}

{printed corks and cork dolls}

{sample card of upholstery nails ~ a collection all by itself}

{thread sample card}

{variety of lettuce seed packets}

{tobacco tags}

{leg shaped calipers}

{collection of soap chips}