INSPIRATION 2014 #45: In the spirit of Valentine's Day, above is a piece I created for art licensing ~ I think it would make a romantic gift bag. Wishing you and those you love a Happy Valentine's Day!
It has been quite a while since I have posted anything on my blog ~ not that I don't have anything to post about, it is just that I have quite a bit on my plate right now and can't afford the time. So, please bear with me ~ I can't wait to be getting back to some more antique shows and less stressful days!
In the last few months I have been preparing for my second time exhibiting at Surtex ~ an art licensing trade show held every spring at the Javits Center in NYC at the same venue as the Stationery Show and the International Furniture Fair.
I designed my website (please visit if you would like a sneak peek), am working on developing new art work, and am also preparing all of the show necessities like banners for the booth, postcards, ads, etc. It is amazing how quickly the time passes ~ Surtex is just about one month away!
Check back when you can ~ I will do my best to post a few things here and there if time allows. Otherwise, I will be back to a more regular posting schedule at the end of May. Enjoy the spring! Sitting and staring at a computer screen all day isn't quite the same as getting out and smelling the spring flowers!
Just noticed that I haven't posted anything much on my blog lately ~ I'll just have to blame it all on being so busy making things for craft shows and the holidays. While it has been rather busy & there have been many late nights, it has been fun ~ crocheting, felting, sewing, cutting, gluing & assembling ~ making scarves, brooches, Dandy Dog Accessories and more.
As my house is my studio, it tends to look a bit like this as far as stuff all over the place, although I have a sweatshop of one rather than four workers. By the end of the day, I most likely resemble the woman on the far left.
Once finished with the making, it is time to gather together and package to sell. I wish I had an outfit and could box my items up like these gals! (Make sure to click on the photos above for their sources.)
{scarves, earrings & bracelets displayed using antique dress forms}
Instead, I usually have a table or two to fill ~ definitely easier on the back and certainly beats selling door to door! While the photos aren't the best, hopefully they give an adequate idea of what the show was like. This year I filled one of my tables with vintage items ~ I usually only have one table and sell only hand made items.
{crocheted and felted brooches on antique thread display}
{vignette of vintage tins, wicker hamper and Adler's box}
{Remains of the Day brooches ~ made from vintage buttons and soda tabs}
{Dandy Dog Accessories ~ felted flowers for dog's collars}
{wool wrapped bangles}
I love using my antique displays when setting up for a show ~ one of my favorite pieces is the thread display I use for my brooches ~ it actually folds up like an accordion, so it is very easy to transport and doesn't take up alot of space. If you were not able to come to the shows, check out my vintage etsy shop or my handmade etsy shop ~ I will be adding more items throughout the week.
Copyright 2007 - 2017 by Julie Reed. Please don't use my artwork or any of my original photos, images or content for commercial use or without my permission. Please do link to my site ~ Thank you!