Showing posts with label Dogs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dogs. Show all posts

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Dear Speck

Speck (11/6/2001 ~ 6/24/2014)

It has been quite a while since I have posted anything - much has been going on both happy and sad. One event that has left a large hole in my life is the loss of my dear friend, Speck. It's been two months and we are still missing him. Here are a few words I wrote in his memory.

Speck AKA Mr. Speck, Spectacular, Señor Suavẽ and/or Speckita lost his battle with cancer last night ~ we are numb. Rescued from a house that contained a clap-on/clap-off fountain, at 9 weeks old Speck joined our household and became ruler of the roost ~ our dog Sparky who was 7 at the time was happy to be relieved of the top dog responsibilities. Speck was the quintessential Scottish Terrier ~ independent, feisty, faithful, vigilant and full of personality. I give him credit for helping me choose my boyfriend, Dick, keeping our yard vermin free, providing us with a zillion happy memories, and for being my loyal companion & muse through good and bad times for all of his 12 1/2 years. RIP my handsome boy, Speck ~ gone, but never forgotten.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Scotties LOVE Snow!

{dashing through the snow ~ source}

{immersing himself in the snow ~ source}

INSPIRATION 2014 #82: Although these photos aren't of my scotties, they could be. These guys truly enjoy a snow day ~ even if it is at the end of March! Hoping their enthusiasm is contagious as we may get a bit more snow tonight.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Scottish Terrier Humor

INSPIRATION 2014 #50: From The Argyle Sweater comic strip by Scott Hilburn. Always thought Argyle would be a good name for a scottie.

Monday, February 3, 2014

All Bundled Up

INSPIRATION 2014 #34: Appropriate image for what is supposed to come ~ almost makes me look forward to a snowy day. Wonderful photo styling along with a very well behaved model!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Holy Smokes!

{listed on ebay, but no longer available}

After spotting the smoking children photos that I posted about a couple of days ago, I came upon this cute little cigar tin above ~ how dare someone use a cute little scottie to promote smoking cigars! After that, I just seemed to find smoking dogs everywhere I looked! Here are a few of my favorites ~ credited where possible.

{Teddy Roosevelt lookalike from here}

 {Statham Cook Collection found here}

Now, do these elegant chaps make you want to go out and buy a pack of smokes so you can emulate their style?

At least I doubt any of these guys are chain smokers ~ dogs are smarter than people when it comes to smoking ~ even if they do look debonair! Plus, I'm sure it is extremely difficult to light up your pipe, cigar or cigarette if you are a dog.

{those photos without credits are from my pinterest board on dogs}

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Truly Man's Best Friend

As we pay tribute to and remember those who lost their lives on September 11th, those who spent days searching and rescuing deserve our thanks and honor as well ~ not only people, but the search and rescue dogs.

Although this post was made last year, this is the first time I've seen it ~ certainly a lovely tribute ~ make sure to go to the link and see the rest of the photos and read about the 12 surviving search and rescue dogs and their owners. Charlotte Dumas, a Dutch photographer is responsible for these wonderful photos, which have been published in a book titled Retrieved. Special thanks to all of the owners and dogs who gave their time and energy to help during that horrible time.

{Red, age 11 in 2011}

{Guinness, age 15 in 2011}

{Tara, age 16 in 2011}

{all photos © Barcroft Media}

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Westminster Disappointment!

{image from here}

So disappointed that Cinders, the wire haired dachshund didn't win best of show at Westminster ~ she was my favorite ~ especially since no dachshund has ever won a best in show! Not to be catty (meow, though!)
, but the pekingese that won looked like some hideous insect - UGH! Sorry, I am just a terrier fan through and through!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Over the Hump!

Sometimes all it takes are a couple of cute guys to make me smile ~ and they aren't scotties for a change! Glad the weekend is in sight!

{image from here}

{image from here}

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Sights at Sparks ~ Spring 2011

Things have gotten away from me a bit ~ way too much going on, so I have gotten a little behind as far as my postings! It has been several weeks since the Sparks/White Cloud Flea Market, but since I did take photos, I thought I would share them anyway ~ after all, it isn't too late for you to mark your calendar for the September Sparks Flea Market. At any rate, this time around I ended up with an odd mix of images . . .

{initial brooches}

While these brooches are missing most of their stones ~ which were marcasite, I liked the design of pins. You can't tell from the photo, but the initials are removable, so that one could customize with letters of her own choosing.

{boston terrier cross stitch}

{great graphics on a vintage doily stretcher}

{Queen of Scots picnic basket}

I was seriously considering getting this as it would coordinate so nicely with the Kiltie thermos (see photo at end of post) we already have, but my common sense kicked in and I passed it by. Sprocket & Speck don't really need a picnic hamper ~ even though it would make a great prop for a photo shoot!

{Jello shot server ~ great for parties!}

{Interesting graphics on a seed sower}

{One of a kind wagon ~ beautiful decorative trim!}

{Remco's Little Red Spinning Wheel for girls}

This is probably a hard-to-find vintage toy as I can't imagine it was a hot seller! Even in the 60's, there probably weren't too many girls who would be interested in spinning their own yarn ~ especially as the kit only came with one hank of wool! If she had managed to spin the wool into yarn, imagine how disappointed the girl would be with her finished miniature purse or rug or single sock!

{Loved these extra creepy dolls!}

Aside from the interesting items for sale, Sparks always offers other sights you won't find anywhere else . . .

{Recycled school bus turned into a rustic (and patriotic) food truck}

Then, my favorite . . . misspelled handmade signs!

{Sprocket was not amused!}

{A cool sip of water from his Kiltie thermos at the end of a long day!}

Friday, May 6, 2011

Enjoy the Weekend!

Start your weekend off right with some humor! This video makes me laugh out loud every time! Now that you're laughing ~ or at least smiling, have a great weekend!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Hooray for Hickory!

{image from here}

A Scottish Deerhound named Hickory won Best in Show at the Westminster Dog Show this week. What a beautiful and elegant dog!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Spectacular Sadie Shines at Westminster!

It's a day to celebrate for scottish terriers the world over as Sadie won Best in Show at Westminster on Tuesday. Read the full article here. Watch videos and catch the latest scoop on Scottish Terrier and Dog News ~ always an entertaining read.

{That'll do, dog. That'll do.}

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Busy Day Ahead!

It's going to be a long & busy day ahead ~ lots to get finished ~ set up for the show starts today and I am still working on a few things. Some of us are getting a bit tired of it all.....

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Walnut 2009 ~ The Sights.1

At long last I am finally posting some sights from the Father's Day weekend antique show in Walnut, Iowa! I do apologize for the delay ~ in my defense, I have been terribly busy and I didn't realize just how many photos I took! Yikes, I am going to have to break it down in several posts.

At any rate, with no further delays...... the best way to start your day at Walnut is to treat yourself to a pancake breakfast at the Walnut firehouse. The fireman have built this amazing pancake machine ~ after seeing it the first year, I remembered it as making hundreds of pancakes at once ~ returning the next year, I realized I had a somewhat exaggerated memory ~ 12 is still pretty impressive!

After a hearty breakfast, it is time to decide where to start ~ the two main streets are lined with vendors, there are several indoor venues with visiting vendors and then there are several antique malls and shops as well ~ plenty to keep you busy! This is truly a show where there is something for everyone ~ below are some shots to give you an idea of what kinds of things are for sale at this show.

{great weathered doors and wall decorations from simply iowa}

{ceiling tins and braided rugs in a homey display}

{duck pull toy and cast iron rabbit}

{great pickle display from general store or deli}

{children's litho lunch box}

{group of chairs and benches from a dance school for young children}

{for the Anglophile ~ some cricket balls}

{depression glassware as far as the eye can see}

{entrance sign to one of the antique malls in Walnut}

{incredible tramp art radio}

Would love these sculptural turbines in a garden. . .

or this wonderful vintage garden tool set!

Speaking of gardens, I had to include the photo below ~ one of the Walnut residents had this wonderful garden planted at the side of their home ~ it looked like a garden in a magazine or garden book! Everything all lined up and amazingly healthy ~ cabbages, lettuces, beans, beets, corn, broccoli, brussels sprouts, carrots, you name it, it was there ~ and thriving! And to think we have trouble keeping hostas alive ~ maybe Walnut has no squirrels or rabbits?!

One type of animal that is found in Walnut is the dog! Whether there are many local residents, at least during this show, there are always many visitor dogs. Here are a few of my favorites:

This is Midge ~ or Midget ~ a yorkie. Initially I thought she was a wig as she was sacked out in a basket on top of her owner's jewelry display ~ I jumped a mile when she moved!
Unfortunately, I can't remember the rest of the dogs' names ~ I should have taken notes! They were all friendly though and seemed to be enjoying the show and all the attention they were getting. Below is Pete, the scottie ~ we met his owners last year when Grace (their female scottie) was travelling with them. Pete is a new addition to their family ~ he and his brother were adopted recently by the antique dealer and her sister. Pete was pretty sweet!

{that's all for today ~ more tomorrow!}