My Embroidery Guild has it's Exhibition this week starting on Thursday for 3 days .
We have three challenges one is the Regional Guilds Challenge open to anyone in the region, and two are our own challenges ...
The first is Coral And Jade ... This is to celebrate our 35th Birthday the colour or stone for 35 yrs is Coral or Jade
So today I will show you my entry for the Birthday Challenge....
This is a small stretched canvas 7 x 7 inches ... I call it Coral Collage
it consists of a small piece of Hardanger, pulled thread, canvas work, crochet, beads and ribbons
We were given a small bag of mixed coral items beads, threads, ribbon and lace .... of which we had to use some or all of the contents I think I used some of every thing even if in a very small way.
So fingers are crossed for the judging.