This week’s tuna comes to us from the waters of Portugal, then
distributed by a company in Genova, Italy. The brand is As do
Mar, and it’s titled Tonno Trancio Intero.

As you can see from the packaging, it claims to be “hand worked”
(lavorato a mano), packaged in olive oil.
I was impressed upon first opening the can at the distinct
lack of aroma. The oil drained clearly (almost no fish
sediment) and had almost no smell at all. This was not your typical
low-quality olive oil which tends to overpower the fish and come away
smelling like a rotten seabed. No, this oil was delicate enough for
me to use in cooking dinner, without over-fishing my stir fried
The tuna itself appeared to be white tuna, and was packed extremely
densely. It took a bit of force to break through the dense fibers
with my fork:

Coming near the nose, the fish had a slightly spicy, salty aroma,
but then after a few minutes of airing, it opened up into a more
subtle herbaceous bouquet — perhaps that of distant seaweed. The
olive oil had barely any flavor exchange with the fish, which was a
pleasant surprise to this old can-diver.
On the tongue, a very quiet start, not too strong at all. A heavy,
meaty texture, with a definite (though not overwhelming) tuna flavor,
followed by a clean finish. This stuff would be perfect for hors
d’oeuvres, edible even by those who typically loathe fishy dishes. It
wouldn’t offend a flea. Overall, I give it 3 1/2 fins, an excellent
The back of the box says
“Il Trancio Intero di Tonno As do Mar e da sempre un prodotto
dalle caratteristiche eccezionali grazie alla perfetta pulizia
eseguita da mani esperte, all’ antica lavorazione artigianale e alla
selezione delle parti piu adatte per ottenere un Trancio Intereo dal
gusto unico.”
…which, according to Babelfish, means
“The Entire Trancio of Tonno As I give to Mar and from always a
product from the exceptional characteristics thanks to the perfect one
pulizia executed from expert hands, to the ancient handicraft working
and the selection of the parts piu adapted in order to obtain a
Trancio Intereo from the only taste.”
I couldn’t have said it better myself!