Take a look into the workspace of graphic designer + photographer,
Jessica Comingore in today's
Spaces feature. Her gorgeous light filled room is sure to inspire!
Tell us about yourself as a creative.
Hi all! I'm
Jessica Comingore and I'm a Los Angeles based designer. I spend my days running a creative studio I founded in 2011, working on projects ranging from graphic design and branding to interior photography and art direction. The variety certainly keeps things interesting, and I can safely say that I love (just about) every minute of it.
Describe your creative journey.
I graduated from The Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising with a degree in Interior Design and Decorative Arts and spent a few years working for design firms as a project manager post-college. While there, I discovered my love for photography and began shooting a few interiors for my then-boss which kind of opened the door for me to get my feet wet with photography and eventually lead to shooting for other designers around town, and now, a few publications. Similar to my round-about approach to photography, I fed my passion for graphic design through authoring a blog I started while I was in school, and designing the marketing collateral for the last firm I worked at. One job lead to another and a little over a year ago I took the leap to full time freelancing. I feel pretty lucky to be able to run a business where I can have my hands in so many pots and continue to learn and grow with each project.
Share a little bit about your space.
I moved into this guest house about four months ago from a studio not too far away when things started to get a bit claustrophobic working from home. I've got a bit more room to groove here, so it's been a very pleasant transition. I use the dining room as an office and despite having a dining table set up, it's typically filled with stacks of magazines and paperwork. But sometimes I'll carve out a clear spot to enjoy breakfast.
What's your favorite thing about your space?
Most definitely the light. There are windows on every wall, and the light that comes bouncing through them every afternoon is so pretty. There are these big avocado and lemon trees outside that cast the most beautiful shadows on the walls. Sometimes I'll stop everything I'm doing and just watch the patterns they make.
What's one thing you think every creative needs in their space?
Windows! I feel having the world to peer out at (especially for those working at the computer all day) makes a world of difference. I didn't have many windows at my last place, and it could be in my head, but I feel more inspired here being able to look out at the trees and admire nature, even if I'm stuck inside.
Thanks Jessica!
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