Gentle Readers and Dear Friends so sorry to not have posted yesterday - but,
I needed to get through a ton of emails - and for me to be the least be
coherent I had to focus a bit more than usual.
Last night I finished up the third installment of the CCN Monthly Cottages
"March." I even remembered to take one of my craptastic
snaps. Here it is by itself...
I was all set to make about four changes in colours on this piece. I
did not think I would like the DMC Greens - and - I had about 10 skeins of
different WDW, GAST and CC shades of green pulled and waiting to
substitute. But, after I got to stitching I got to really like them so
the greens are the called for floss'. The single substitution I made was
with the WDW "Pecan" - my skein of pecan was so very close to the
brown used in February that I change it out for GAST "Sarsaparilla."
Other than that "March" is what it is - for some reason I just cannot
get the linen to photograph well - here is another snap showing the first three
months stitched together...
This snap makes it look like I am stitching on some sort of grey
burlap.... the linen colour is a great shade of vintage butter crème, so there
is a slight yellow cast to it, you would never know looking at these
pics - sorry. Now just waiting for April... I am doing these 3
across by 4 down so April will go directly below January.
The mail brought a lovely gift I won over at Nancy's "Victorian Motto Sampler
Shoppe" - she was having a drawing for naming her line of Plum colored
floss - I was one of the very lucky winners she let pick a chart of hers and get
some of that gorgeous Plum colored floss - the floss in real life is a lovely claret or
port color!!
I chose a one of her wonderful Quaker inspired charts "To Thine Own Self be
True". A wonderful Shakespeare quote from "Hamlet."
Polonius' last words to Laertes.... the entire quote is..
This above all: to thine own self be true,
And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man.
Farewell, my blessing season this in thee!
And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man.
Farewell, my blessing season this in thee!
Hamlet Act 1, scene 3
Thank you so very much Nancy!!!!
That's about it for today sports fans - thanks again for you super comments about
"Tis the Season" and my cactus!! I do enjoy reading them and they
do warm the heart!!! If you get the chance stop by again!!
Take care,