Gentle Readers and Dear Friends sorry to not have gotten a post up on Friday, but after trying twice to Post one - I just gave up - Blogger was bugging out for some reason and kept deleting my Posts..... I just didn't have the time or energy to fight with it so I didn't!!
I think the high point for the entire weekend was the eclipse yesterday afternoon - not that it got dark at all - just the lighting changed to a very odd grey cast - and I could see the change from a seated position and that meant I didn't have to move - I like the not moving aspect of that!!!!
We did our usual running around Saturday, starting off with the early run out to breakfast and then on to the weekly grocery shopping...... after stopping off at home to drop off the haul from the store - I grabbed the Estate Sale list and we were off again. There where four Sales this weekend that I wanted to hit - they were all mostly a Bust!! Along with the Sales and hitting the usual Thrift/Consignment Stores - I found few things...
I found the large "Indian Tree" platter at a Goodwill, I have a medium one already. I really like the Johnson Bros interpretation of this old pattern, and will pick it up whenever I see some, I found the little "oyster" shaped Japanese? dish at a Thrift Shop. Here is a close of it....
and the backside...
It fits in my hand and is the size of an oyster shell, the gold is still in great condition as is the rest of the hand work, but what could it have been used for??? We also stopped off at Amoeba records and DVDs and that's where I picked up the 1st Season of "All in the Family" a show I have always enjoyed.
Baking yesterday I had a hankering for some Brownies ....
I used my go to recipe I got off of Allrecipes, I have posted it before - They are Called "Best Brownies" and where originally posted by Angie - simply the best!!!! The two changes I make is to prepare the pan by buttering and then using cocoa powder instead of flour, to keep them from sticking - and - a teaspoon of Powdered espresso to the batter to kick up the chocolate.
On the stitching front I finishedup my Exchange piece - and it turned out pretty good, if I do say so myself. Once it reaches its final Home I'll post a snaperoo. I also worked on Mary Ann and finished up the wonky "vine" that encircles the verse....
Now, to start to work on the flower/strawberry bits....
I had an email from a reader about a older RR piece I worked on - I get more emails about this piece from the Header Shot - so I got it out and took a good look - and a snap - and think I should fill it in as there is quite a bit of "white" space still left.... any suggestions?????? here is a snap for a memory jogger....
That's about it for today sports fans - thanks for stopping by, do stop again!!
Take care,