Showing posts with label Halloween RR. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Halloween RR. Show all posts

Monday, May 21, 2012

Weekend Stuff

Gentle Readers and Dear Friends sorry to not have gotten a post up on Friday, but after trying twice to Post one - I just gave up - Blogger was bugging out for some reason and kept deleting my Posts.....  I just didn't have the time or energy to fight with it so I didn't!! 

I think the high point for the entire weekend was the eclipse yesterday afternoon - not that it got dark at all - just the lighting changed to a very odd grey cast - and I could see the change from a seated position and that meant I didn't have to move - I like the not moving aspect of that!!!!  

We did our usual running around Saturday, starting off with the early run out to breakfast and then on to the weekly grocery shopping......  after stopping off at home to drop off the haul from the store - I grabbed the Estate Sale list and we were off again.  There where four Sales this weekend that I wanted to hit - they were all mostly a Bust!!  Along with the Sales and hitting the usual Thrift/Consignment Stores - I found few things...

I found the large "Indian Tree" platter at a Goodwill, I have a medium one already.  I really like the Johnson Bros interpretation of this old pattern, and will pick it up whenever I see some, I found the little "oyster" shaped Japanese? dish at a Thrift Shop.  Here is a close of it....

and the backside...

It fits in my hand and is the size of an oyster shell, the gold is still in great condition as is the rest of the hand work, but what could it have been used for???  We also stopped off at Amoeba records and DVDs and that's where I picked up the 1st Season of "All in the Family" a show I have always enjoyed.

Baking yesterday I had a hankering for some Brownies ....

I used my go to recipe I got off of Allrecipes, I have posted it before  - They are Called "Best Brownies" and where originally posted by Angie - simply the best!!!!  The two changes I make is to prepare the pan by buttering and then using cocoa powder instead of flour, to keep them from sticking - and - a teaspoon of Powdered espresso to the batter to kick up the chocolate.

On the stitching front I finishedup my Exchange piece - and it turned out pretty good, if I do say so myself.  Once it reaches its final Home I'll post a snaperoo.  I also worked on Mary Ann and finished up the wonky "vine" that encircles the verse....

Now, to start to work on the flower/strawberry bits....

I had an email from a reader about a older RR piece I worked on - I get more emails about this piece from the Header Shot - so I got it out and took a good look - and a snap - and think I should fill it in as there is quite a bit of "white" space still left....  any suggestions??????  here is a snap for a memory jogger....


That's about it for today sports fans - thanks for stopping by, do stop again!!

Take care,

Thursday, September 16, 2010

One Fish, Two Fish, Brown Fish , Blue Fish

GR&DF what a ding I was yesterday. I wrote a post then instead of posting it I saved it as a draft. I had no idea that I had done that and that the post was languishing in "save" central until the afternoon. Oh well, I guess better late than never. Just when I think I am getting the hang of computing I do some dumb thing like that.

I think I'll start off the post today with some stitching - a new piece and an older piece - The new piece (as you could probably tell from the title) is SoHRH. I finished up the second square - so here's a snap....

This square came together really quickly - now to go onto Square 3 or to square 5?? I have an exchange piece I need to get going on and then I need to get to a Christmas present - so this will go on the back stitching burner for a while. I am doing some grey fill on Garden Path - so no snap of that slow and not too interesting stitching.

The second stitching picture was a request - It is an older Halloween RR I was part of- I really want to work on the open spaces.... but for now here's a snap -

I really enjoyed this RR and wish there where a RR to join in on out in the Stitching world.

The other day on the way home we stopped off at La Victoria Bakery for a cupcake fix. Not the most authentic baked good they carry - but - when you need one, you need one..... and which one did I pick???

Here is a close up of some that reminded me of what would that be??

All Hostess'y and delicious, but not what I picked....

I think that about wraps up yesterday - no visit to the farmers market - we'll get to one over the weekend. Thank you for stopping by, do come again!!

Take care,

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Some Witchin' Stitchin'

Last night I finished up my square on Terry's RR - this will go into the mail in the morning winging its way back home - here is an overall snap -

and here is a closeup of the square I did -

The chart is from PS - Book 90 called "Spring-Fall." I really like how this turned out and you know how I like PS - I used the recommended DMC floss - the only changes I made was to fill out the tail - as charted it was cut oddly so I needed to fill it out a bit on top. This was a super RR put together by Donna and I had a great time stitching on all the pieces. I also finished up an exchange that will go into the mail also - but no snap of that yet. I seem to have a giganto list of things I need to stitch up - so I will be busy with a very few stitchy snaps for a while.

Last night the flicker was "The High and the Mighty" - 1954 - starring a bunch of actors leading the pack was John Wayne and Robert Stack. As you know John Wayne is not one of my favorite actors by a long shot - but this film is really a story driven vehicle for all the players - I enjoyed it but thought it was a bit long - the stories the passengers had and the interaction was top notch - one of the best scenes was the tossing out the door of all the luggage - to lighten the load. At about 2 1/2 hours I could totally recommend the film.

I wanted to thank you all for the kind things you said in yesterdays comments -
It was much appreciated!!

Thanks for stopping by!!

Take care,

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Mailing today - two RR's

I am getting both - Hannah's Halloween RR out to Terry and the finished QFRR of Rowyn's back home!! I am so happy to have a third piece from the RR finished and winging its way back home. There was a time when I thought that might not happen - but with everyone pitching in and Sweet Valerie filling in a stitching spot it is all working out great!!! Here is a rather dark shot (it was late when I finished) of Rowyn's really lovely piece -

Rowyn chose a NN floss called Bali Hai and it is stitched on a cream linen - and is just gorgeous!!! The secondary colour is a DMC blue. Now there are only three out there left to get finished up and that should happen in the next month or so!! Yea for our little group!!!!!

Last night the flicks where - two Netflix films - the first was a musical that I had never heard of - "It Happened in Brooklyn" - 1947 starring Frank Sinatra, Jimmy Durante, Kathryn Grayson, Peter Lawford and in a bit part the really wonderful Gloria Grahame. A nice film with some great music - if you like Frank and like musicals you should really check this one out - I was totally surprised!!! The second flick was "Varian's War" - 2001 - a true story brought to the small screen and starring William Hurt, Julia Ormond and Lynn Redgrave. A WWII story about an American, Varian Fry, who helps get refugee Jewish artists and intellectuals out of Marseilles and to America - he saves about 2000 people over a two year period before America enters the war. A moving story that I had never heard. Proving that a single person can change history and make a difference!! Some of the more notable people he saved were Marc Chagall, Max Ernest, Hannah Arendt and Jacques Lipchitz. The pacing was very good and the two hour movie just flew by.

Thanks for stopping by - I will not be here tomorrow so Blogging - I'll see you on Monday......

Have a great Easter!!!

Take care,

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

A Halloween Square finish and some flicks

I finished up the square on Hannah's RR from the Witching for Stitching RR - and think it turned out really nice. Here is a snap -

The squares on Hannah's piece are a bit smaller than on other RR's so this one fit it perfectly - I was also looking for it to have some or at least one pumpkin as the poem that Hannah picked out is about pumpkin pie - I think I really lucked out to find something that would fit AND have pumpkins!! This is the second witch I have stitched in this RR - I do see a pattern emerging. The square is from book 23 or 24 called "A Prairie Year II" - I used the called for DMC floss'.

Last night was a really nice flicker evening - starting off with a really good Irish movie on TCM - "The Quiet Man" - 1952 - starring John Wayne and Maureen O'Hara - a great movie and a must for St Patricks Day!! This was followed up with a fluff piece called "If a Man Answers" - 1962 - starring Sandra Dee and Bobby Darin - entertaining in a 60's film kind of way. The final film of the evening was a true classic "The Palm Beach Story" - 1942 starring Claudette Colbert, Joel McCrea, Mary Astor and Rudy Vallee. A wonderful film full of snappy intelligent dialogue and well thought out characters. Although I hadn't meant to.... it seems that I chose a film from the 40's , 50's and 60's.... and it was interesting to see how the approach to the battle of the sexes was handled. From the very clever writing and super talented actors in the 40's to the less than good writing and really only personalities that passed for actors by the 1960's - not the each wasn't fun and entertaining to watch but that the first two flicks were so much more superior. It is still happening today - we rarely get good acting or good films what we get in film are tricks and CGI AND instead of acting we get to watch a personality on the screen. Just MHO -

Thanks for stopping by!!

take care,

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Arriving Gift and RR - a Movie - and a Gaggle of Nasties

Yesterday the mail brought a gorgeous gift from a super person - Becky S sent me a most wonderful thing - Shepherd's Bush - "Sail Away" - this is a piece I have admired for so long and now with such a super friend - I have a great piece to stitch this summer.

Thank you so much dear friend!!!!! Becky recently finished stitching this lovely thing last week
I also received Hannah's RR from the Witching for Stitching RR - it is really nice with all the PS designs - and I have already picked out what I am gonna stitch...

My own stitching was on an exchange.... and we all know what that means... no snapperoos.

The flicker last night was "The Ultimate Gift" - 2006 - a mostly predictable film with a twist on the end. With that being said - I also want to say what a nice and feel good film it is - and very watchable!!! A (and I hate to use this kiss of death term) true Family film - where ones life is a gift - and that gift is to be shared. I defy anyone to watch this film and not get that chokey lump in their throat!!!!

After the film I watched the 2 hour first instalment of "America's Next Top Model - and is it just me or are the gals in this Cycle 12 a most snarky gaggle you ever did see!!! Usually there are just one or two "interesting" contestants but it seems that all of them this time are "interesting" and a couple are true skanks - AND most are truly bitchy and mean!! I know that "bitchy and mean" makes for what passes for good TV and will keep those numbers/ratings up..... but really the evil that will play out on this show over the next few weeks is gonna be just nasty!!!
....... And I will be there for every show!!!

Thanks for stopping by!!

Take care,

Monday, February 16, 2009

A Finish, a Witch and creamy goodness....

Let's start off with Le Jardin and a happy dance finish......

I finished this up on Friday evening and am so happy with the way it turned out!!! Now to get it framed - or more precisely get the funions to get it framed!!! And a great big THANK YOU goes out to Julianne as it was because of her that I was able to stitch up this lovely. The pattern is from an OOP Magazine and she very generously loaned me her copy!!!!! I have said it before and will continue to say - the stitching community is so generous it blows me away sometimes!!!!!!

The second piece I finished up was on Vonna's WFS RR
- here is a snap of the piece -

I stitched up the witch at the top. I used a PS chart from the book called Harvest Time. The floss' I used were HDF silks called Kodiak Bear and Brass Tacks. I am so happy that she fit into Vonna's squares as I have wanted to stitch her up for the longest time. She fits so well onto this beautiful RR and the great shifting is coming up next week so I am on time!!

While running around on Saturday - we stopped by Krispy Kreme in So SF and picked up some creme filled doughnuts and also stopped by Arizmandi Bakery and got a piece of their famous coffee cake - and it was very good, ahhh but those creme pillows of deliciousness.......

I saw some flickers this weekend, but the only one I will mention is "633 Squadron" - 1964 - a pretty good WWII film about blowing up a secret fuel depot - but the oddest casting was George Chakiris as Norwegian - if you remember - he played Bernardo in "West Side Story."

Thanks for stopping by - I will be talking about the Give-a-way tomorrow - so stop back in!!

Take care -

Monday, January 5, 2009

Just a quick note...

....since we had a super long weekend - 4 days!! - the work has piled up. I did want to check in a say how wonderful it is to get back to blogging - I was totally having some sort of withdrawal!!!

Over the Holiday I worked on two pieces. One piece was for a MAW that had gone missing - from my sieve like brain - I thought I had finished and sent it off - I had wondered why I had not heard that it had arrived - but just thought it was a slow because of the Christmas mails..... I finally had some sort of wake up moment while going over the past years stitching that the reason it hadn't gotten there was I had not even finished the stitching but had only just a small start. Geeeze what a ding I am...... Now it is going out a few days late - which makes me crazy - but better late than never - I will show a snap when it arrives in it's new home.

The other piece I worked on was Donna's Halloween RR. Her piece is a Halloween House - and here is a snap -

I did the attic part - and what an odd space - but I think a spooky kitty looks good. Donna had asked that whomever did the attic do a moon so there is a moon and I threw in the bats. The floss' I used were Belle Soie (surprise) and WDW. This is the softest cloth to stitch on and was a total dream - It is ready for the mail tomorrow.

That's about it for today -
Thanks for stopping by and here's to another great year in our little cyber Blog world!!!!!!

Take care,

Friday, November 21, 2008

A Christmas Finish

I can't believe it - but I only have two things left to stitch up before Christmas for presents!! But for today I have the Cardinal stitching finish from last night -

(I just flicked back here and noticed that the picture I first posted was an earlier snap
- this is the actual finish - how dumb am I!!!)

I am really happy with the way this turned out - I am not sure how I will finish it ..... the finishing will probably happen over the weekend. I got out the Halloween RR of Ulla's and decided on a pumpkin design to stitch - If you have been reading her4 lately you may be able to figure it out.... what would I be stitching???? I will stitch on that over the weekend so it will be a surprise on Monday.

We did our usual Thursday go to market yesterday and boy was the grocery store packed already. We got about 85% of the stuff we will need for Thanksgiving. The veggies we will get on Sunday at the farmers market. Just thinking about things and I just can't fathom how fast this holiday has sprung up on me - realizing that time marches on and everything falls into place "like clockwork" - I wonder if it is the older I get the faster time spins away - In my mind I visualize the sands of time just slipping by quicker and quicker till the that hour glass empties out - kinda morbid for a Friday but that's the way it is sometimes.....

Have a great weekend - thank you all for stopping by, and for all the nice comments... I know there are those lurkers out there and that's fine but don't be afraid to speak out and leave me a comment - I don't bite - or not too much!!! :)

Take care,

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Once again - Thank you all so much!!!

Thank you all for the wonderful things you had to say from yesterdays post!!! It is often hard to leave something you like but it wasn't going to get better - and I had been there over 5 years working part time - but now I look at it as just that much more free time to devote to my obsession - I mean hobby - this stitching stuff!!

I finished up Carol's RR for the Witching for Stitching Halloween RR. I am really happy with the way it turned out - as I like to think "It's just creepy enough!" Here is a snap -

I have also made a decision about my own re-stitch for the QFRR - and I think I am going to go with LL Vintage Lentil with Raisin Wine and Old Maid of the Soil. Here is a floss toss -

The other fabric - was just way to splotchy - I love those splotches but there is a limit and it was taking away from the really nice silk colours.

Yesterday the in the mail was a cornucopia of charts - I had won on eBay -
(like I need any more stash) Here is a snap -

Prairie Schooler is one of the designers I really like and am filling out my collection - Yes, I have a list of them that I still need - and in my complete obsession with Vonna's MM&IRR - I have started to settle my ideas into a form that I can work with - the bulk of the ideas are coming from PS but I also have some LHN, Workbasket, and others so nothing on paper yet, but I am getting there.

Last night while I was thinking about the MMIRR I sat down and picked up VoHRH and did a bit on that - some leaves and started on the sign -

There are two super exchanges coming up in November - do I dare join something else???? :)

Thanks for all the support and also thanks for stopping by!!!

Take care,

Friday, August 29, 2008

Resistance was futile!!!

I have thrown in with the "MM&IRR" that Vonna has set up. I spent a giant portion of the day yesterday sitting at my desk and sketching out ideas..... I think I have a grip on the overall theme - Winter/Christmas - that will give me a lot of avenues to work and pull together something that I'll like - I seem to have a lot of charts with a winter and Christmas feel to them. Now I need to solidify the plans .....
since I have nothing else to occupy my stitching time!! Ha - Ha - ha!!!

Last evening I worked on Carol's RR and I really like the way it is coming along
- kinda dark and creepy!! - here is a snap -

I am using WDW Caper as the secondary colour (one of my favs) and and GAST Black Coffee for the roof. This linen is just great and stitches a dream - I keep thinking of swirling foggy evenings the whole time I am working on it.

The flick last night was "Let's Make Love" - 1960 Just two years away from her death Marilyn Monroe stars in this light musical with Yves Montand. A nice movie - not the best and there are way worse films to watch but overall it is a nice piece of fluff and very watchable.

Thanks for stopping by, have a great Labor Day... I'll see you on Tuesday!!!

Take care,

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Wednesday was quite interesting

It was a really nice day here in the city so yesterday at lunch I just started walking towards the Civic Center and ended up at the Asian Art Museum - A gorgeous reuse of the old library building.

I knew there was a temporary exhibit called Ming Dynasty that I wanted to see - so in I went - and it is a lovely exhibit with such special and rare things - worth seeing if you are in SF before September 21st.

After leaving I walked through the weekly Farmers Market behind the museum -

This is the first guy you see as you walk into the area - then there was tons of great fruit - especially some lovely strawberries -

and some great veggies -

What's so nice about these sellers is that a majority of this produce was just gathered this morning and is just so fresh!!!

Last night I was working on Carol's Halloween RR and made the decision to restart the house I was stitching. the first pattern I chose was turning out to be way out of proportion to Carol's first house. Sop I pulled that what I had done out and went for another house instead.

I am really liking this much better as the other house was really grey and now this one I switched out the called for floss for "Cinders" and it looks really great!! It has quite a way to go but you get the idea. I am thinking of joining up with Vonna's MM&IRR -(I think this is a great idea!!) I have some ideas and have already made some sketches of the design... I am weakening......

The movie selection last night was a TV production called "All Passion Spent" - 1986 - with Wendy Hiller and Harry Andrews. It is a real tour de force production - adaptation of a Vita Sackville-West novel. The single DVD has all three parts of the story and is really worth seeing if you get the chance.

Have a great rest of the day!!! Thanks for stopping by!!!!

Take care,

A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...