Today at 5pm our door will open for your viewing pleasure... and please take my word for it, there is some wonderful items being offered by some of the most amazing Artisans. I'm so proud to be a small part of it!
Just so I don't give away too much of a preview, below are some peeks at what I'll be offering. A hint at one item: Broom Corn. I planted it, watered it, harvested it and dried it over the winter. Now I'm creating with it!
About Broom Corn: So the legend goes, that in 1725, Benjamin Franklin picked a small seed on a whisk broom that a friend had brought him from France for dusting his beaver hat. The next spring he planted that seed and it grew into a tall corn-like plant with a flowering brush of stiff fibers bearing seeds.
In 1781 Thomas Jefferson listed broomcorn as one of the six most important crops of the day.

*and a small side note: Riley the wonder dog is doing fabulous with her holistic recovery!
She's up to 3, 20 minute work outs a day now, without blowing her knee out. And I just know she's lost a little weight because I've had to tighten her harness twice over these last couple weeks. Weigh in will probably be next week to see just how much she's lost!
Blessings, Jean
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