Can I tell you just how much I'm going to love Sure Cuts A-Lot (SCAL)? Wow...I feel like a tidal wave of new cutting possibilities has just washed over me, and it's nearly overwhelming. For now, at the suggestion of other SCAL users, I am sticking to downloading true type fonts (TTFs) from the several internet sites available. The options are almost endless out there! Apart from fonts (like my 60's 'Groovy' font? It's called Action Is) there are tons of dingbats (wingbats--what's the difference?) like the arrow, the peace sign, the flowers and the uber-groovy silhouettes, complete with bellbottoms. How much fun can a scrapper have?
In addition to SCAL, I used the Home Decor for the flourish at the bottom (cut at 1") and I did a little bit of Cuttlebug embossing action on the arrow and some of the flowers using the Perfectly Paisley folder. The scallop along the top is Martha Stewart's Scallop Dot border punch. I inked the edges with a white inkpad to give it a bit of distressing.
Incidentally, you may notice a new link on my blog along the righthand column. I've added a button that has a link to where you can purchase Sure Cuts a Lot. I love the program so much that I've decided to become an affiliate with them. If you're interested in buying SCAL or have any questions, please contact me! I'm just a beginner and I've got a lot to learn (like Inkscape), but I'd be glad to share what I know so far! Stay tuned for some more links that I'll be adding to my blog--I will be linking various font sites and helpful SCAL websites and blogs.
Thanks for looking! Please tell me what you think!