Showing posts with label Rough-legged hawk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rough-legged hawk. Show all posts

Friday, May 22, 2009

More "Cherry Picked" Photos

I call these my "cherry picked" photos, because I photographed these birds at a festival where they were being exhibited by a Wildlife Rehabilitation Organization. How I would love to see these in the wild and be able to capture photographs of them in their natural settings!

Here's a Kestrel that was hit by a car and ended up being blinded in one eye. He will not be able to be released back into the wild but is now part of the education program. This was a treat for my husband to see as this is his favorite bird.

Here is a Rough-legged hawk. I believe this one had an injured foot/claw so he would not be able to grasp his prey in the wild. He was very vocal and loved showing us how beautiful his wings looked spread out.