Showing posts with label Pine Siskin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pine Siskin. Show all posts

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Full Mouths

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Siskin Fun

Since the Pine Siskins have become my new best friend (shh! Don't tell my Loons!) - I thought we could have some Siskin fun this morning.

Siskin mooning me.....

Siskin eating me out of house and home....

Siskin being messy and dropping their food on the ground! (Can you see him focused on the seed falling down?)

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Playing with my new camera lens

First off let me say I love my new Sigma Camera Lens. But it doesn't love me yet.... I did take it into the camera shop and embarrassingly it was user error! Sheesh! A kind professional photographer happened to be in the shop visiting and took pity on me as well as putting me on the right track. Hopefully. Anyways, here's a few practice shots....

Red-winged Blackbird playing peekaboo....

My new best friend - the Pine Siskin.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I won't like Siskins

I keep saying it to myself. I won't like Siskins, I won't like Siskins! I try to remind myself what little pigs they are at the feeder! And how they bully the other birds! And they fight with each other! No, I won't like Siskins!

*Disclaimer: Shelley likes Siskins.

Sunday, March 29, 2009


P.S. Bird models today were the Redpolls and Siskins. They are looking for an agent and will probably be permanent residents of my backyard. Photos courtesy of my husband. I have to say it again - I iz the bird whisperer!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Response from the Siskins

Dear Shelley,

We are in receipt of your letter requesting that we (the Pine Siskins) leave your bird feeders and migrate out of here. Unfortunately, due to extenuating circumstances, we will need to extend our stay. Additionally, we heard you sweet talking the Red Polls and telling them they could have all the thistle they want. Well if they stay, we are staying!

Your friends,

The Pine Siskins

P.S. By the way....

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Letter to my Pine Siskins

Dear Siskins,

While it's been enjoyable having the 30 of you over to visit, I think it is time for you to go. We've had some good times - I fill up the feeder several times in a day - and you empty it several times a day. You've been rambunctious pushing my little Chickadees off the feeders and you even squabble amongst yourselves. Still - I admire your ferociousness and find you cute. But it is time to go. I will see you next winter and be prepared with more thistle feeders. Don't let the bird feeder hit you in the butt on the way out.

Love your friend,


Friday, March 6, 2009

More peanuts please!

I am headed to the Michigan Audubon Society's 105th conference this weekend in Lansing where I'll be speaking about Birding & Blogging. Hopefully they think I'm funny! Wait - hopefully they think I'm INFORMATIVE! (But some of you know, I like to add humor to my birds....) Wish me luck!

Monday, February 16, 2009

More Siskin than you could ever want

I want to know how long these bullies....I mean these pine siskin birds are going to stay!

Siskins taking over my feeder!

Siskins taking over my thistle!

Siskins taking over my trees!

Siskins trying to be cute!

Siskins in the snow!

The siskins need to go! (P.S. Just kidding - but they really need to be nicer to my Red Polls!)

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Poking the Pine Siskin

So I'm watching these Pine Siskins on the thistle feeder and am amazed how close they are letting me get to them.

Look how close he is!

Hmmm....he looks so soft. What if I......

...reached out and touched him with one finger! Ha,ha! He flew to another branch and then came right back so I don't think I frightened him too much. Bad Shelley!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

A head turning Pine Siskin!

Today I want to show you a little trick!


Watch what I can do with my head Shelley!

siskin turned sideways

Oh my! Linda Blair's head turning scene in the Exorcist movie does not compare to that!

exorcist siskin

Friday, January 16, 2009

Overheard at the bird feeders

"I'll race you to the thistle sack Mr. Chickadee!"

race to thistle sack

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Why is this goldfinch upset?

Want to know why this Goldfinch was upset? (I could hear his noisy protests from inside the confines of my log cabin.)

Because the Pine Siskin knocked him off the thistle feeder! (P.S. I put another thistle sock out for him.) Play nice little birdies!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Is this a Pine Siskin?

There were 4 of these little guys dominating the thistle sock yesterday. They seemed pretty tame as I snapped their photos. I checked the Cornell site and I think they are Pine Siskins . What do you think?