Showing posts with label Goldfinch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Goldfinch. Show all posts

Monday, November 15, 2010

Winter Visitors

There are many reasons why I love winter but one of the biggest ones is the birding opportunities it brings. I see an increase of some of my regular visitors and I have some winter ones to look forward to. Hoping the Redpolls and Pine Siskins come back and eat out of my hand this year. I am also hoping to see the elusive Snowy Owl this winter.....a girl can dream....

Here are some of my feeder regulars. What are you seeing right now?

My nutty White-breasted nuthatch. I love watching him store suet on the trees around our cabin property.

My chickadees are much loved and are very sassy, I can't tell you how many times they scold me when the feeder is empty. Some of them will even land on my shoulder and head as I'm refilling the feeders as if to say hurry up!

My sweet goldfinches are so shy. I love listening to their pretty chirps.

The purple finches are starting to come around more and may rival the chickadees in being a feeder hog.

Monday, November 2, 2009

I want to keep him!

It rained all weekend at the cabin making it difficult to get some good birdy photos without getting my camera wet. But I did manage to get this adorable goldfinch - doesn't his feathers looks so soft? I want to keep him!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Angy Goldfinches

Is it just me or do all my Goldfinches look angry????

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

How are your goldfinches looking?

"Geez Lady! Cut me a break!"

Friday, January 9, 2009

Goldfinch in the snow

golfinch on branch

“To appreciate the beauty of a snow flake, it is necessary to stand out in the cold.”

-Author Unknown

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Why is this goldfinch upset?

Want to know why this Goldfinch was upset? (I could hear his noisy protests from inside the confines of my log cabin.)

Because the Pine Siskin knocked him off the thistle feeder! (P.S. I put another thistle sock out for him.) Play nice little birdies!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Little Puff Ball

This little puff ball finch was the only one of his flock not to fly away when I came outside with a camera. This one is a brave one...I bet he can teach those Tufted Titmouses a thing or two!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Goldfinch Activity

I have a gang of about 6 goldfinches hanging around the log cabin- they are rivaling my chickadee crowd. Something about the finches song makes my cat want to fling himself against every window until he has brain damage! I'm happy to have them!

Bird Butts!

What seems to be your kitty's problem?

Friday, August 15, 2008

Angry Goldfinch

Is it just me or does my goldfinch look angry? Look at the sneer on her beak!

Friday, July 18, 2008

My other bird friends

I've been neglecting my other bird friends up at our Log Cabin. As KJ noted, I'm becoming a "LOONATIC!"

"Shelley, we think you are spending too much time on the Loons!"

"Hello! How about me over here? I'm as handsome as those Loons!"
"Don't worry kids, she loves us too much. She'll be back!"

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Goldfinch Friend

Can I tell you how much I love the goldfinch? I do! These photos were taken while I was sitting on the deck of our log cabin - not too far from this little guy. He was on the thistle feeder for close to 15 minutes but I think the best photos I captured of him on this day was when he was off the feeder. He seemed to glisten in the sun.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Bird pictures from the log cabin

Saturday morning brought me such a wide variety of visitors. These were all taken at our log cabin in northern Michigan. I just love waking up in the morning, hearing all the different birds and getting ready for them to make their appearance. Being by the lake just seems to bring me the best makes me never want to leave.

Female red-winged blackbird?

The Blue jay reminding me I need to pick up leftover construction litter around the cabin!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Busy Monday

Purple and gold do go together!

I'm just hanging around...

No your honor, I did not eat Shelley's birdseed!

Dinner for two.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Goldfinch Glory

I truly believe spring has arrived when I see my goldfinches in their full glory color. Today I had 2 females and a male goldfinch. In the first photo, you can see the female scolding another female trying to fly onto the feeder. Now I'm trying to figure out what they were fighting about -the food or the man?!