Showing posts with label Giveaway. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Giveaway. Show all posts

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Birdy Winners!

I decided to break the rules and draw FOUR winners instead of three! Here are the 4 lucky people drawn randomly by my hubby (a.k.a. charming birdy assistant!)

  1. Ms. K at Dog Daze
  2. Tina at Tina's Bird Yarns
  3. Adrienne at Adrienne in Ohio
  4. Bird Girl at My Bird Tales

Ladies, please email your address to shelleyupnorth at gmail dot com. Congratulations!

P.S. This was a lot of fun, so for those of you who didn't win this time, be sure to check back for a fall giveaway too! :-)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Giveaway for my birdy blogger friends!

I was just thinking today of all the great people I have met through my birding blog (some of them even in person) and how grateful I was. I enjoy seeing everyone's photography and learning more about birds. So in order to show my appreciation - I am going to have a giveaway!

I'm going to give away a few token items (birdy and nature related) from my nature store. All the gift items on my store feature my photography. So you may get a greeting card, or a magnet, or a tote bag, etc. - who knows! It's a surprise! I will draw three winners. Here are the rules:

  1. Must be a U.S. or Canadian resident. (Sorry - it's easier for me to ship!)
  2. Must have a blog.
  3. Leave your name and blog address on this post if you want to be entered. Anyone who's a follower automatically gets 3 entries. (Please let me know if you are!)
  4. Deadline to enter is midnight August 7th. I will randomly draw THREE winners on Sunday, August 9th.

"The language of friendship is not words but meanings." ~Henry David Thoreau

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


From Online Shop Photos

Psst! Shelley is hosting a giveaway on her log cabin blog. If you would like to enter, please click here.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Michigan Audubon Society said what?

cute chickadee

When I walked into the house the other day, I thought my husband was playing a joke on me.

Greg: The Michigan Audubon Society called.
Me: Oh, do they want me to renew my membership?
Greg: No, they want you to speak at their annual conference.
Me: Quit playing around, what did they want?
Greg: No seriously!! They've been reading your blog and want you to speak about it.

Me: You're not very funny. What did they really say?
Greg: Here's the number, call!

Needless to say, he wasn't kidding and I am extremely honored. (Also embarrassed, they must think I'm obsessed with Mourning Doves and poop. ) So on March 7th at the Kellog Center in East Lansing, Michigan - I am going to be speaking about blogging and birding - two of my favorite things!! Here's where you come in, my dear bloggy friends. (Do you like how I kiss up to you before I ask you for something?)

I know why I blog. I wanted a place to connect with people with similar interests, expand my learning and promote the importance of wildlife and nature. But I need your help and would like your input!

  1. Why do you blog?
  2. What have you gained from it?
  3. For some of my older crowd - what difficulties did you first find when you started blogging? How did you overcome it?

Thank you in advance for your input!