When I walked into the house the other day, I thought my husband was playing a joke on me.
Greg: The Michigan Audubon Society called.
Me: Oh, do they want me to renew my membership?
Greg: No, they want you to speak at their annual conference.
Me: Quit playing around, what did they want?
Greg: No seriously!! They've been reading your blog and want you to speak about it.
Me: You're not very funny. What did they really say?
Greg: Here's the number, call!
Needless to say, he wasn't kidding and I am extremely honored. (Also embarrassed, they must think I'm obsessed with Mourning Doves and poop. ) So on March 7th at the Kellog Center in East Lansing, Michigan - I am going to be speaking about blogging and birding - two of my favorite things!! Here's where you come in, my dear bloggy friends. (Do you like how I kiss up to you before I ask you for something?)
I know why I blog. I wanted a place to connect with people with similar interests, expand my learning and promote the importance of wildlife and nature. But I need your help and would like your input!
- Why do you blog?
- What have you gained from it?
- For some of my older crowd - what difficulties did you first find when you started blogging? How did you overcome it?
Thank you in advance for your input!