
Showing posts with the label skillet

Sweet Tomato,Cabbage and Caramelized Onions

This recipe progressed with each ingredient.  I must be a riot to watch when I make up recipes.  All I had in mind was caramelized onions.  I figured, if worse came to worse, I would put them on another dish.  While, I was wandering around my kitchen which is too small to really wander, I saw some tomatoes that looked ripe. I picked up one beautiful large tomato to find the bottom had turned black.  I checked the others and they were fine but I knew they would not last much longer.  They had to join the onions.  Tomatoes went to what I call, "the cooking counter" and is where I do my prep work and actually, everything else. I continued pacing, muttering, "onions-tomatoes, onions-tomatoes, onions-tomatoes until I opened the refrigerator to find a half empty bag of shredded cabbage.  Now, I could mutter onions-tomatoes, cabbage.  With a few more ingredients, I planned a scrumptious vegetable dish. Sweet Tomato, Cabbage...