
Showing posts with the label Sauce

Roasted Eggplant Parmesan

I have been enjoying cooking from Joy Bauer much more than I had expected.  She is known for her healthy cooking .   "As a monthly columnist for Woman’s Day magazine and the creator of , Joy continues to be a leader in developing and delivering fresh, cutting edge health content to millions." She did not disappoint me with the recipes, I have chosen to make. Each one has been better than successful.  I plan to make a lot more.  She has many recipes also listed online for you to check out if you like healthy and tasty food, presented in a respectful way . Roasted Eggplant Parmesan  (adapted from Joy Bauer) Ingredients: 1 eggplant, ends trimmed Kosher salt, to taste ground black pepper, to taste 3/4 cup marinara sauce * 3/4 cup part-skim mozzarella cheese 2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese dried oregano, to taste Method: Preheat the oven to 400°. Liberally coat a baking sheet with oil spray. Slice the ...

Eggplant with Tomato, Basil and Parmesan risotto - WwDH

Hey, Hey Donna Hay.....we are back with this lovely eggplant with tomato, basil and parmesan rissoto.  Sound good?  Well, it is. Margaret  chose this recipe and it is from one of Donna Hay's books,   New Food Fast. Hubby wasn't thrilled with eggplant and would have been happier eating only the risotto. I had no idea, he is not a fan of eggplant.  I love it, made in certain ways and  I make if often.  He has never said a word.  I am pretty sure, it does not fall into the same category as asparagus which he simply despises.  I think that it is more a "take it or leave it" dish. This was not my favorite way of making eggplant either so this dish is probably not going to be seen again.  I think, if you like risotto, this is worth a try.  The sauce was broth, wine and tomato puree and I liked that very much.  Lots of basil and a little black pepper and Parmesan seasoned the dish. The dish is a three pot dish, one for the ...

Spaghetti and Meatballs with Tomato Sauce

One of my more embarrassing moments.  I can't find my Modern Classics 1 by Donna Hay.  I searched my house and it is no where to be found yet I remember exactly where I put it or at least, I thought I did. This is not the first time, I misplaced it.  One time, I did the house search and finally after two or three days, found it in my son's bedroom, which is now a guest room.  We have a computer in there and evidently, I went in there to check something out with book in hand.  I left without it and forgot completely about taking if from its designated spot. The next time, I misplaced this book, I found it in our den.  I had gone to chat with hubby, again, book in hand and put it down.  Once again, I walked away without Donna's hard work and also found it a few days later. Where did I take it this time?  I will let you know when I locate it. You would think, I didn't like Donna Hay, the way I lose her book so often.  On th...

Turkey Meatballs in Tomato Sauce - Nigella

I won Nigella Kitchen when it first came out and I was really excited about this particular prize. Nigella inspires me and this book inspires me even more. She has many helpful hints throughout the book and I find myself learning new techniques and better methods. The recipes appeal to me and I see how I go back to many of them, over and over again. I have a list of recipes, from Nigella Kitchen that I want to make and hopefully, I will be sharing them with you. Right now, I am going to share her meatball recipe which I made, recently. Turkey Meatballs in Tomato Sauce Ingredients: For the sauce: 1 onion, peeled 1 celery stalk 2 tablespoons olive oil 1/2 teaspoon dried thyme 2 x 14 ounce cans diced tomatoes 3 1/3 cups (2 full cans) water 1 teaspoon sugar 1 teaspoon kosher salt Pepper, to taste For the meatballs: 1 pound ground turkey 1 egg 3 tablespoons potato chip crumbs 2 tablespoons of finely chopped onion and celery (from the tomato sauce ingredients above) 1 teaspoon Worc...

Chicken and Roasted Capsicum Pasta - WWDH

We were excited to hear that Barilla is now selling gluten-free pasta but it has not arrived at our local stores.  Ronzoni has and tonight, I used their penne, for the first time.   Barillas has many shapes, as well.    I am not sure but I think that the Ronzoni penne which I used tonight is better than the brands, I have cooked with.  I want to make more dishes and also to use Barilla. I am not sure how to do a taste test using the four brands I have access to.  Too much eating.    Tonight, I cooked this dish using roasted red and orange peppers, penne pasta, roasted tomatoes, and shredded chicken.  The minimal sauce was made of oil, vinegar, tomato paste, oregano, basil, sugar, black pepper and salt.  I thought I would want additional sauce but it was fine, coating the pasta and nothing more.  Hubby and I both enjoyed this and hubby had seconds.  I would make this again. Check out the other Donn...

Brussels Sprouts in Onion Honey Sauce

I should call this, "My Love Affair with Brussels Sprouts," but that would be unfair to bok choy and spinach.  Spinach is the best in my opinion.  I have made three recipes with a bit of sweet added to the vegetable it makes a major difference. Brussels Sprouts in Onion Honey Sauc e Ingredients: 12- 15 brussels sprouts 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 large white onion, quartered and sliced thin 1/4 cup vegetable broth 2 garlic cloves, finely minced 1 1/2 tablespoons honey 1  tablespoon Dijon mustard  1  1/2 tablespoons cider vinegar, start with 3 then add more if desired salt and pepper Method: Boil brussels sprouts for 7 - 10 minutes or until tender. In large skillet, heat olive oil and saute onions for 7-9 minutes.  Add garlic and saute for another 2 minutes. Stir intermittently.    Add the broth, raise the heat to high and cook for approximately 4 minutes until the liquid is reduced by 1/2. Add the mustard, honey, vinegar,and pe...

Marinara Sauce - SRC

Remember as a kid how much fun it was to belong to a club.  Then came sororities and it got a little more competitive.  Now, joining a club is fun and easy if you enjoy cooking.  Just become a member of the Secret Recipe Club.   Wait for a delightful surprise each month when you are assigned a blog to cook from.  Then have lots of fun, looking through the blog and very likely finding many recipes to make.  Then, eliminate most of them and finally pick the one you are making.  We then wait for the Reveal which is now. My assigned blog was Growing Up Gabel.  Camille and her husband Mitch live in Las Vegas.  Their warm and loving family include a daughter and a son,  Ella and Miles.  Gabel is the kind of blogger I respect, one who loves what she is doing and gets joy from blogging. It was easy to select a recipe because I needed a sauce for pasta, the night, I was cooking my recipe.  I found this straightforward, easy t...

Pizza - Ellie

I  have to admit, I took a lot of liberties with this recipe because I had to make it gluten-free and because, I had spinach, not arugula, in the house.   Despite these changes, my inspiration was Ellie's French Bread Pizza. I had saved a ball of pizza dough from the last time, I made pizza, and used that instead of the French Bread.  It would have been easier using bread. After rolling out the dough and baking it at 400 degrees for 20 minutes, I poured marinara sauce on top of the surface and covered it with about 2 cups spinach and then with a little more than a cup of shredded mozzarella and 1/2 cup Parmesan.  I baked it for another 10 minutes or until the cheese turned golden.  Then, we demolished it. Thanks to Ellie for the inspiration.

Mexican Stuffed Shells

Yesterday was the day after our granddaughter's wedding and we were all exhausted. We still had some of the grandchildren, staying with us, and it was a hectic day.  Dinner was not a priority although we did have to eat.  (Strange habit, we have ----- eating). Stuffed shells goes quickly and is filling and only needs a salad to finish off a quick meal. I cooked, we ate and I walked out of the kitchen, leaving the dishes, something I don't like to do.  Those dishes were an insurmountable task, at that moment.  I washed them, this morning, in a few minutes.  Funny, how being tired changes us so completely. Mexican Stuffed Shells                                                                  1 box gluten-free large shells                    ...

SRC - Childhood Memory Dish

The summer is passing by much too quickly, for me.  It is hard to believe, it is time for another posting for the SRC.   You do know what the SRC is?  In case, you missed what has been going on around you on Mondays, this is a group of foodie bloggers who are assigned bloggers to cook from and to reveal on their assigned Monday.  Each Monday, a different group reveals the fruits of their labors of love. A genius is our Amanda who created this group.  Even, she could not have known how this was going to take off and become part of all of our lives.  Thanks again, Amanda.  Jane is the leader of my group and I will vouch for the hard work she puts in and the nonsense she ends up taking, at least from me.  You can find our wonderful Jane at the Heritage Cook .  Please do visit all the gals who work so hard to make the SRC a reality.  There are many others and you will find them listed at SRC.  Each month, I describe a fantasti...

Recipe Box # 5 - Zucchini Alfredo - Lunch is Back

Last week, everyday was special. I had company on Monday and Tuesday and hubby was home Wednesday through Friday. There was no single lunch for me. It is a new week and a busy one but so far, I am here for lunch. Yesterday, I indulged again but since I am steadily losing weight, bit by bit, I am happy for the indulgences. The trade-off is chocolate for a more adventurous for lunch. Monday's lunch, looking back could have been made completely with zucchini noodles, skipping the brown rice pasta and it would have been a better dish but I was so, in the mood, for pasta. The sauce killed it anyway. Be prepared for some really healthy lunches and some over the top ones. One of my favorite dishes is an Alfredo which is why when I came across this recipe at, I knew I was going to make it. I like the idea that I was, at least, getting some zucchini into it. I bet it would be good with broccoli or spinach. Zucchini Alfredo adapted from All Recipes. com Ingredien...

Cheesy Pizza Dip - CEiMB QED

I was baking cookies very happily and felt a rush of hunger.  Sitting on my kitchen table was Ellie Krieger's, latest book, so I did what comes naturally and looked through the pages until, I came to this cheesy dip, made from a simple Marinara sauce and mozzarella and Parmesan.  To make up for the fat in the cheese, I dipped cucumbers in it and it was scrumptious. You can find the recipe for this here.   If you are really, in a hurry, take out a bottle of marinara sauce, ready made and mix with the cheese and then microwave and you have a snack in minutes. For other CEiMB recipes, check here and please join us and link your Ellie recipes here. For Sure, this is a Quick, Easy and Delicious Recipe Cast Party Wednesday ,      Mix it Up Monday      Cookbook Sundays     Hearth and Soul

Faith's Chicken with Cherry Sauce

The other day, when I was visiting Faith of Edible Mosaic , I saw this wonderful recipe and immediately printed it up to make, for Friday night, our Sabbath dinner.  It turned out to be a special chicken dish and we loved every bite.  Thanks to Faith who does have the very best recipes and even better photos.  Faith ( I didn't get the roses .) Faith served this with rice.  I also did but I made an Apple Nutty Rice which went very well. I am listing the ingredients below but please go to Faith's for the directions. I want you to see her presentation which is outstanding.  I will list the changes, I made in italics.   Chicken with Cherry Sauce    (Yield:  4 servings)                                              ...