Sweet Melissa's Pavlova
Sweet Melissa's Pavlova - T his is delicious and then some. The recipe below is from The Sweet Melissa Baking Book but I made changes. I want to leave the recipe here, untarnished by my changes. Normally, I would not share a recipe from this book but because it is not part of the group, I am going to make this exception. Also, I did find it online so for anyone who is really looking, they can locate it. I made a quarter of the recipe which was hard to do. I made the meringue in my big mixer and I thought it was going to sit there. It looked ludicrous to see the big machine and one egg's worth of whites. With the whipped cream, I got smarter and used a hand mixer. Even that didn't work. For some reason, I could not get the beaters to stay in the mixer. Never happened before. Also, even in a small bowl, there was very little cream (1/4 cup) and it refused to change for the longest time. At the end, those stiff peaks were soft and pliant but that ...