The Challenge of Kosher Paella
When I saw that the choice for this week in WWDH was paella, I immediately cringed since I knew what was coming, and I was correct. Mussels, Clams, Prawns and Sausage, none of which are kosher. Actually, sausage is kosher but it can't be cooked with fish and shell fish is definitely prohibited in a kosher diet. When I joined the group, Wednesdays with Donna Hay, I made the decision to at least attempt to modify recipes so that we could eat them and in most cases, it is not difficult to accomplish. When pork is used, I use chicken or turkey. When fish is used, I sub in salm on or a white fish such as flounder or sole. Easy to do..... Donna went all out using so many shellfish and the only course of action I had was to ignore them completely and use vegetables and sausage with the rice. I also decided to look up what a paella should really be and was happy to find the following at Wise Geek . "Almost anything can be used in a paella, and it is...