
Showing posts with the label Latkes

Cabbage Pancakes

I have discovered that using cabbage in unusual ways results in making delicious dishes.  I decided to look up recipes for cabbage pancakes and found many.  Two appealed to me, the one below and another that was a partial potato latke and a partial cabbage latke combined.  I hope to make it also. These pancakes were delicious and served with a little soy sauce mixed with a bit of honey, even better. Cabbage Pancakes (adapted from Healthy Recipes) Ingredients Pancakes: 16 0unces shredded coleslaw 1 red onion, sliced 2 tablespoons gluten-free flour 4 large eggs 1 tablespoon reduced-sodium soy sauce ¼ teaspoon black pepper 1 tablespoon minced garlic olive oil for frying Method: Heat a large skillet (I have a huge electric skillet, I used ).  Add olive oil. Scoop the mixture into the griddle with an ice cream scoop .  Flatten with a spatula. Cook 3-4 minutes on each side, until browned on both s...

Butternut Squash and Apple Latkes

Potatoes have become a mainstay of Passover.  Potatoes are versatile and can be used in probably hundreds of ways.   Some people moan and groan about how many potatoes they "have to" eat because there is nothing else.  Huh?  Fortunately, there is a plethora of vegetables to cook and be creative with. How many different squash are there?  What about root veggies?  Although, we do not eat beans and peas, there are many other greens,  Kale is big of recent times and spinach and bok choy as a few examples. Eggplant, carrots, radishes, lettuce, parsnips, turnips.........need I say more?  If you are a vegetable eater, the opportunities to make the holiday one of good eating, is endless. I love potatoes and have no desire to run away from them.  I like sweet potatoes and use them throughout the year.  For the potato avoiders butternut squash is a good substitute.  This is an easy and yummy side to make on Pesach or any other day. ...

Zucchini Pancakes

When Allrecipes came out with a new magazine, about a year ago, I was excited to see what it was going to be like and immediately subscribed.  I was not disappointed.  I have found several dishes to make in each edition. When I look for a recipe online, I tend to end up in Allrecipes despite the plethora of sites with tons of recipes.  I am not sure if it is because they have such a great variety of recipes or that their recipes tend to be doable.  I am not sure that there is a time, I could not fine, what I was looking for. This month, one of the themes was zucchini and each zucchini dish looked better than the one before.  I plan to make almost every one of them, particulalry the zucchini cornbread casserole and the stuffed zucchini. There were several topics of interest and the one that was the most fun was, "A Day at the Fair", with its Deep Fried Oreos, Fried Cheese Curds, and Funnel Cakes, just as starters.  OK, you know, I don't usually fr...

My Meatless Mondays - Salmon Gefilte Fish Cakes - Jamie Geller

Often, we have salmon instead of gefilte fish for the fish course on Sabbath night. I look for those not made with matzah meal and this week, it turned out, I could only find salmon gefilte fish. It is a little more expensive but it is tastier.  One of my sons was coming with his family and I know he likes when I make patties out of the frozen loaf so I planned to do so with the salmon gefilte fish. Jamie from Joy of Kosher has an interesting recipe on here site and I made a few changes to make it gluten-free and I baked it instead of frying and it was delicious. I think, we will be indulging in these loaves more often. This is cheaper than salmon fillets as well. Gefilte Fish Cakes (Joy of Kosher)  Adapted Serving : 8 Ingredients: 1 loaf frozen salmon gefilte fish, defrosted (22-ounce)  ½ cup diced red bell pepper 1 small red onion, diced 2 celery stalks, diced ½ cup light mayonnaise 4 tablespoons drieddill ¼ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper 1 egg 1 cup c...

Spinach Patties

I made leek patties for the Rosh Ha Shana table and just had to transform the recipe into one with spinach, as well. Spinach Patties Ingredients: 3 cups fresh spinach (microwave for a minute so it crumbles) 2/3 cup gluten-free corn flake crumbs 2 eggs salt and black pepper to taste 1 teaspoon herbs de provence seasoning (I love this and add it to almost everything) oil for cooking Method: Mix all ingredients together in a large bowl. Heat oil in a large skillet.  I did not use a lot of oil, just enough to coat the pan. Cook one side for about 2 minutes until browned.   Turn over and cook other side until brown. Serve plain or with any sauce.  I had some roasted pepper sauce to use with these.  Sour cream would be good as well. Eat and please do enjoy.

Recipe Box - Crispy Baked Zucchin Potato Pancakes

It is Chanukah and it is traditional to eat fried foods.  The custom of eating fried foods is in remembrance of the miracle of Chanukah, which is centered around oil (one cruse lasting for eight days). Latkes (fried potato pancakes) are traditional, topped with applesauce or sour cream, but there are all kinds of vegetable pancakes that are also delicious. Jelly doughnuts are also popular during this holiday. I decided to go the healthy route and followed Ellie Krieger's baked latke recipe and also made three of them in a skillet.  We had the best of both worlds, mostly baked with a naught y bite of fried pancakes. I like the idea of including zucchini.  I have made potato latkes with carrots in the past, also.  I did alter the amounts used in the recipe and since we finished them up, I did a good job.  On the other hand, hubby tends to finish whatever is there.  Skinny men can get away with it. I made this before and fortunately and I had t...

Recipe Box # 17 - Vegetable Potato Fritters

For the holidays, I look for new and interesting recipes that use the vegetables , available to me.  I discovered a new place for good solid recipes, The Kosher Channel .  This is an adaptation of a winter vegetable recipe.  I placed the words, Sukkot recipes, in my search engine and I was expecting certain sites to appear and they did and this one also did.   It is not that their recipes are strictly unique but they are good solid recipes which can be adapted easily, yet keep the true nature of the dish.  For example, my major change to this recipe was to use mashed potatoes instead of shredded tomatoes and to increase the quantity of potatoes. These are crispy on the outside and soft in the inside and delicious all over. Vegetable Potato Fritters Ingredients: 3 huge potatoes, peeled and mashed 2 zucchini, shredded (all the following vegetables went into the food processor. 2 carrots, peeled and finely shredded 2 parsnips, peeled and finely shredd...

Lox Latkes

Schedule I am a Brooklyn gal.  My middle name is Lox.  Lox is smoked salmon and I think, it is wonderful.  I know, most people eat lox in a bagel, maybe with cream cheese.  I do that too.  I also use lox in soups, salads, eggs and with vegetables.  When I came across this recipe, it had my name on it, Lox.  So, as Lox, I changed the recipe to add the smoked salmon to the egg mixture rather than on top of it. Latkes with Lox  -  Taste of Home  (adapted) Ingredients 2 cups  finely chopped scallions 1/4 cup  brown rice flour mixture or AP flour 1/2 teaspoon  coarsely ground pepper 4 eggs, lightly beaten 4 pounds  russet potatoes, peeled and shredded 1/4 cup  olive oil 4 ounces  lox olive oil Directions In a large bowl, combine the first five ingredients.  Stir in eggs until blended.  Add potatoes and lox; toss to coat. Heat 1 tablespoons oil in a large nons...

Passover Vegetable Latkes

We have vegetables coming out of our ears, Passover time, and I don't object, in the least. I had a lot of odd and end vegetables and put them together to make these latkes. This is from last year and was posted on Chaya's Comfy Cook. I plan to bring over the recipes there appropriate for the holiday, coming up, so soon. Vegetable Pancakes Ingredients: 1 zucchini, cut into chunks 4 scallions. cut into pieces 1 sweet potato, peeled and  cut into chunks 1 turnip, peeled and cut into chunks 4 baby carrots 2 slices of bell peppers, cut into 1 inch pieces fresh parsley 2 eggs 1/4 cup potato starch, more or less 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper Olive oil spray for greasing the pan olive oil to cook in Method: Shred vegetables in food processor. Mix together the vegetables, onion, egg, and 1/4 cup of the potato starch. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. (I added this in the food processor.) Add a little more potato starch if the mixture isn’t holding together. Put a litt...

Vegetable Latkes

I had such success adding carrots to potato latkes, I decided to be even more daring and add carrots and zucchini.  This was tasty but I doubt that the zucchini caused this.  The carrots and onions probably gave it the flavor.  These went quickly and I consider them a success. I am playing around with different kinds of latkes and still have a number more to make.  I do want to bake some of these, probably a thicker one than this.  The fried ones are crispy and the baked ones, less so.  Tonight, I made cottage cheese latkes.  These can be made with ricotta as well.  I have one with cream cheese, I want to try as I am a fan of cream cheese. All week, I wanted to make cauliflower latkes and I am hoping that I do this tomorrow.  Latkes are fun and although, I certainly could make them, all year, I tend to keep them for Chanukah.   Vegetable Latkes Ingredients: 4 large baking potatoes 3 carrots 1 medium zucchini 1 large onion...

Bizzy the Explorer - Latkes

Chanukah is coming and one of the foods, commonly made, are those delicious latkes, usually potato.  As a rebel, I make different kinds of latkes such as carrot, sweet potatoes, broccoli and zucchini.  Of course, the best are cheese latkes.  I plan to make some and share them with you.  Today, I am sharing some latkes from other blogs.  You do remember me, Bizzy the Explorer, hijacking Chaya's blog. I first visted ECurry and found Purple Potato Latkes.   I am getting hungry. Then, I found Family Education Blog with Potato-Apple Latkes. Below are Sweet Potato and Leek Latkes from Classically Kosher. Smitten Kitchen who has the best recipes has Zucchini Latkes As I said before, I will do my best to post as many latkes, as possible, in the next two weeks so you can experience other than the delicious potato latkes.