
Showing posts with the label FFwD. Nutella

FFwD "Nutella" Tartine

This week, at French Fridays with Dorie , we made decadence in disguise, maybe not really in disguise, but that works for me.  I don't have to face the chocolate in this recipe. I don't use Nutella because it has dairy in it.  I do have a substitute for it which is chocolate with hazelnuts so it is most likely, the same.   One of my favorites in life is marmalade on toast so this was ahead of the game, before I started, and it was not because of the Nutella.  I did not have brioche but I did have challah so that is what I chose to use.  The combo of orange and chocolate is always good so I was delighted with the whole package, when I took that first bite. I didn't have hazelnuts so I subbed in almonds without hesitation.  This is a good recipe although not a great one.  I enjoyed it but my grandchildren would probably enjoy it, more.