Candy Corn Sugar Cookies - Martha
I am guessing that when you hear candy corn cookies, you picture cookies, shaped and colored to look like candy corn. They are adorable and I am sure take more work than I put into this easy recipe. This is a quick, easy and delicious recipe. You can make these in chocolate and plain. I stayed away from the chocolate and made another recipe for them that was chocolate. I made these for my class and I don't put a lot of effort in what I bake for them. I would not consider them my most discerning judges. It is usually, when I take a plate of goodies out, the cheers come. This class is more picky than others, and don't even like peanut butter in cookies. Mint and coconut are out, as well. Even marshmallow is considered great. This makes it easy for me. They will get thumbprint cookies, chocolate and sugar cookies and some cake. Candy Corn Cookies (Sugar Cookies) Ingredients: (adapted from Mart...