
Showing posts with the label ALS

ALS and cooking changes

There has been a major change in our lives, a very difficult one.  Over a year ago, my husband was diagnosed with ALS.  The first year went rather smoothly with only slurred speech but in the past months, there has been a big change.  He can't swallow and has a feeding tube.  His speech is unintelligible and his ability to breathe has changed although I am thankful, he is breathing on his own. I don't really have to say more.  We have no idea what tomorrow brings but fortunately, we are spiritual people and believe that God runs the world.  I don't have to understand everything; I do have to accept it. Granted this is a difficult one to handle but we are doing just that. We are blessed with wonderful children who are there for us.  We have the bonus of some married grandchildren who have stepped in to be there also. This plus good friends and neighbors gives us a strong support system. The little ones bring the most joy in their special way. ...