Hello you lovely people,
I have a few things that I have finally uploaded pics for, and thought I would share them with you tonight.....hope your eyes are ready for a photo feast? I hope they're not disappointed lol
First up, is a pincushion, you can never have too many of them I reckon, but this one is like the big Momma pincushion that presides over all other pincushions lol
The pattern has you leave a gap along the bottom edge of the pocket section....and I don't like having to hand stitch through so many layers, so I used my creative licence and altered the construction of the pattern....guess where? I made the wedges up as per the pattern, but once the top piece was done, I folded it up and cut a bit off the centre bit, to make a hole.....this is where I turned it the right way out, and also how I put the stuffing in...then I covered it all with those two yo yo's. Check out the super cute scissor buttons...and woot woot they're purple too. (Pattern is from The Patchwork Cow)
Next up, is two
Bionic Gear Bags.....which you can purchase the pattern for here. Sally Thompson, the lady who is behind the
Bionic Gear Bag (BGB) pattern, is a really lovely lady, and if you go check out her website
here, you can see not only her video on how much stuff she fits in her
BGB, but you can see all the other colour combo's that other people have made.
First up is my bestie's BGB....it was part of her birthday present a couple of weeks ago (yes, it's take me 12 days to pull my finger out and upload the pics lol) She now has even more stuff inside it than when I took the photos....coz these bags hold a WHOLE bunch of stuff...and now Terri has one big pouch instead of about 4 that she used to tote around with her to quilting!
Terri is like me, she loves owls, and her favourite colour is purple....makes it hard to have 'unique' hooty stuff I can tell ya lol
Next up is
Marc's BGB....I made it as part of her birthday present too, but it's not her birthday till next month, but I had kind of mentioned to her that I was making her and Terri the same thing....so she got her BGB about a month early....her fabric tastes are 'country' so I went shopping in my stash and these are the colours I came up with for hers.
In the front right of the last pic of Marc's you can see the small fabric dish...it's held in place with magnets, and you can use the gap behind the dish, in the corner there, to stand your pens, small scissors etc. I believe they both like them, Marc must like hers so far, as I couldn't spy a single baked bean or tomato sauce stain anywhere lol (Sorry Marc xx)
If you want to make a BGB, then please click
HERE to go purchase the pattern, you won't regret it.
Next up, is a USB wallet that I designed ages ago...in fact it was about 12 months ago, and I can't remember if I've shown you before or not, and I'm too lazy to go check previous posts (am still in disgust at losing my template etc so am still sulking with my blog lol)...so either tah dah, here it is, or here it is again lol
I'm in the process of doing a tutorial for the USB wallet....and will need someone, maybe two people to test it...if you're interested in being a tutorial tester for me, please leave a comment....ideally, I'd like a relatively new sewist as well as an experienced one, so I can guage whether my destructions (instructions hee hee) make sense.....these would make a great stocking filler...especially for the geeks in the family lol
Ahhhhh, it feels sooooo good to be sharing pics of a few projects.....and if anyone makes the BGB, I'd love to see the pics....I know I'll be making some more soon....one for me is next on the BGB to do list.