In the last 6 years, I've moved house, almost died due to a Hospital E.D. not listening to me, lost my Mother, a sister and a brother, became the proud 'Nanny' to darling grand daughter #2 and even got to cut the chord (!) and have now opened up an online shop/business. So not all lows, there have been highs...and seeing how cute and funny my two gorgeous grand daughters are, would definitely be a highlight on the calendar.
Whilst I don't normally make New Years resolutions, I do plan on having some blog resolutions...such as more regular posting, highlighting patterns I like/dislike (reviews might have been a better choice of phrase lol) and more giveaways. For instance on February 19th this year, it's the Chinese New year, and this year is the Year of the Goat...lets see if I can come up with a unique giveaway for the blog for that day....Hmmmmm thinking cap on now! Might even sneak in a lovey dovey one just before that for Valentines Day....fingers crossed!
So all I really wanted to say was Happy New Year to anyone still reading, and I hope to make my blog more exciting this year.
Happy New Year Naomi. I wish you all the best for 2015 and hope it brings you all the things you desire.