Showing posts with label Winner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Winner. Show all posts

Thursday, 16 January 2014


Hey Peeps,

Firstly Happy New Year!! Hope you all had a little break and spent time with loved ones:)
Sorry I haven't posted anything of value for like months.. I been a tad busy and a tad lazy.
Also I have been In Tasmania from the 21st of December, and without my little sewing machine.
It was my Hubbys 30th (orginally from Tas) and a whole bunch of us went down to celebrate. Here we are being all 'touristy'..
This week little miss and I reunited, but we are having a heat wave in little old Adelaide and I cant bring myself to sew in my 40+ degree room at the moment. I will be back on the wagon when it gets below 35..

I do however have some makes to share I finished last year..
First up, The Portside Travel Set!! Love, love, love this. I have made two sets.. one, technically a 'practice' for the second set which was a Christmas present for my mother-in-law (which obv I couldn't show on here)... which she loved.. and cried a little over.. which was a bad but good thing haha :) (her's is the bottom set)
This pattern came together quickly once all the pieces were cut and interfaced, and I really love the size and how the pouches turned out..she also promised to send me pics of it in action ;)

Second is the Cambie Dress..
I'm not really sure how I feel about this make (or my face.. what the), I love the fabric, so was a bit disappointed when I tried it on and wasn't really feeling it.. I don't think I like the lower waistband or the way the front sits so far out so you can see my boobs from 4 meters away (and normally I like that).. hard to explain, and too hot to take pics in the heat at the mo..PLUS it doesn't help that I gained like a gazillion kilos on holidays and now it zips but I look like a beached whale -_- 
I reallllyyy want to make another one and try a little harder with the fit, but is the waistband supposed to be lower? maybe its just my guts? (highly likely)

Also while away I did some knitting, my MIL who is an avid knitter and has a cupboard full of kids toys (hint hint) showed me how to knit last time she was in Adelaide, and as soon as she left I cocked up whatever stitch I was doing and could no longer continue with my snood. Sad face.
So I started up again once I was back in Tas and Tada! Snood completed.. notice the mistakes knitters,oops
At this point I think I can only manage scarfs and to give you an idea, it's 46 degrees today.. so may just hold off on the knitting for awhile..


Also just realised I put the date for the giveaway down as 13th Dec, instead of 13th Jan (still late Bec) Err sorry about that..shocking I know.
Anyway the winners are:
Happy blogiversary!! I really like V1230, not sure I need more patterns, but I love the sleeve detail in this one :) Looking forward to seeing your next make


Gjeometry Happy Blogiversary Bec!! I really like the V1329 colour blocked dress. I also like how they put the white around the edges instead of a darker colour. Apparently there's this 'rule' where you have to make yourself look slimmer and/or curvier by putting the dark colour block on the outside, but I think this version looks terrific! I'm not sure if it is for knits or not, but I would like to make it up in a Ponte knit. I have never used Ponte before but I know it is supposed to be very stable and thick so the dress could be worn in the winter. And, colours? No idea, but probably I would put the lighter colour on the outside, same as this version.
Congrats!! I cant wait to see what you make :) Please contact me via email with your address and i'll get posting ;)

Every time I'm away I feel like I miss out on a million blog posts :( Mainly because when I have access to my computer I am like constantly reading them haha, so let me know what you've been up to in the comments if you like! and Link me to any makes you think I might have missed! ;)

Also completely unrelated, but LOOK at that face
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