Showing posts with label Style Arc. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Style Arc. Show all posts

Monday, 21 July 2014

A Dotty kinda Style

My gosh I haven’t blogged for like 4 months. Eep, what a stooge.

It’s probably because I have actually been trying to get through my ginormous list of things I wanted to sew before we go on holiday. Key word, wanted.
I have no hope of actually finishing everything and my husband informs me I don’t need to take all the things on my list anyway, I mean I thought 5 pairs of shoes for 5 weeks was doing well.. Come on people, back me up with this one.
I have still been following everyone else daily, commenting, becoming jealous of makes, ooohing and aahhing over controversial conversations.. you know what I’m talking about. Also Its way easier to lay on the couch and read about other people’s makes, than it is to get my ass up and take pictures of my own, anywho I made it off the couch…
Those of you that follow me on the Gram would know I have made some Chataigne shorts and the blogosphere go to at the moment, the Nettie. But today I am blogging a top I made awhile back, the Style Arc Dotty Blouse.
I probably made this about 4 months ago and wore it quite a lot. I love the way that this fabric falls at the front of the shirt, and I also love the sleeves (no idea what it is, I’m terrible with fabric but its some poly, silky feeling thingo) However everytime I wear it I think I should really maybe tack the front together. It tends to open up and show everyone, well everything, partly due to the slippery fabric, partly due to my boobs.
The only thing in the instructions that had me confused was the double yoke roll up pushy outtie turn around and inside out bit. But I figured it out, eventually.
I machine stitched the back hem and hand stitched the back neckline and didn’t bother with the inside cross over front as they fold under and are stitched this way on the side seams. (does that even make sense)
Since making this I have lost a little bit of weight, so it looks a little bigger on me now than it did 4 months ago, but when I made it to the measurements described on the pattern, it fit very well. As the patterns are only in one size if I made it again I would definitely alter it or use larger seam allowances in necessary areas.
I have seen a lot more Style Arc patterns out there now, and the feedback, apart from the vague instructions seems very good. The sizing is pretty spot on, and not many alterations need to be made from what I've read.
All in all I think I will make this top again in a less ‘going outy’ fabric, and something with a bit more body for wearing with jeans etc.
Something like my girl crush Sophie's.
Well that’s it for now but I will be back with Chataigne and Nettie, I promise.

Monday, 4 November 2013

Long time no post

Hello There,

Well my silk Anna only has the hem to be done and then she is completed:)
(sneak peaks on my Instagram, booyeah on the zip)
Will hopefully get some pics of her on the weekend.. until then here are some things I've been creating..

I made the above dress, New Look 6124 in version A this time, and I love the neckline. It seems I'm getting faster as this only took me about 5 hours to put together, but I have made it before.
It seems I must have sewn seams at 3/4 last time and didn't make notes.. ahh so cant breathe it in very well, but I'm sure ill kick on ;)

I also made this Elisalex skirt version with the cutest puppy fabric ever. SAUSAGE DOGS PEOPLE.
I started to make a.. get this.. stretch denim Anna. WTF. To be fair it was past midnight and I probably should have just gone to bed.
I am also in the process of making a Negroni for the hubs...
  I still have this Anorak pattern from Style Arc, which I have been wanting to make up for agesssss, but haven't found an olive green in the right kind of fabric.. so I settled and bought this Lightweight Twill.
Now all I have to worry about are the vague (for me) instructions :| eeep. Does anyone know of any versions?
aaannnndd I just got these babies today. . *squeeeel*
Also completely unrelated to any of the above.. If any of you lovely ladies in blog land have suggestions for a great pants pattern I would love to hear it. In case you didn't notice I have more junk in the trunk than most, so a pattern to suit the err "Curvier" type butts would be great :)
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