Showing posts with label Photography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Photography. Show all posts

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Define Model.. Erm someone who is not me

So a friend of a friend saw my blog, liked what I was creating and wondered if she could take pictures of me for her Photography website, I said "Sure, why not".... when what I should have told her is
"You may want to find someone that actually knows how to model, pose, stand, doesn't look like a complete twat.."

But apart from me, the photoshoot was great:)
Kiki was wonderful on the day, she has great energy and a lot of love and passion for what she does
Check out her website here

Here are a few sample pics from the shoot..


I will have more pics and info on these dresses in upcoming blogs:)

Moral of the story, I can tick model off my Bucket list..

P.S. I have a blog related questions I would really LOVE help with... any ideas as to why I don't have a little thumbnail pic next to my blog in my reading list, and mine says rather than my name like everyone else's?
Also I can never get my damn pictures next to each other.. It's driving me nutso..
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