Showing posts with label Marc Jacobs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marc Jacobs. Show all posts

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Worky Work, Marcy Marc and a Sorbetto

Firstly check my new lurverrrr Jacob. Isn't he adorable.. *sigh*

Anywhoo I've been meaning to make a Sorbetto for ages,
I mean LOOK how many there are out there EEEK!! Ahhh gotta luuuvv a free pattern :)
I wanted to make a simple one at first, so I found a plain fabric in my stash.
Decided I had enough to try match a skirt too.. I chose Butterick B5566 for the skirt pattern.

They were both fairly simple and straightforward to put together and I think I will make both again, maybe with nicer fabrics ;) Although I do need a bit of work on my fitting capabilities..
Their great simple items for work, which I haven't really made enough of yet. I think the sewing bloggers call them Cake? Rather than Frosting :) hehe

Anyway here they are..

Hhmm I kinda get the feeling that together they are a bit matchy matchy? What do you think?
Might be better as separates? Maybe a Belt.. or maybe a tan? Jeeeeez...

I dunno, but I do like how they turned out :)
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